Source code for sndlib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#   Copyright (C) 2008-2023 Samuele Carcagno <>
#   This file is part of sndlib

#    sndlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.

#    sndlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with sndlib.  If not, see <>.

A module for generating sounds in python.

from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators, division, absolute_import, with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals
import copy, numpy, multiprocessing, warnings
from numpy import abs, angle, arange, array, asarray, ceil, concatenate, convolve, cos, cumsum, floor, int_, int64, log, log2, log10, linspace, logspace, mean, ones, pi, real, repeat, sin, sqrt, where, zeros
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, irfft, rfft
from scipy.signal import firwin2
import scipy

[docs]def addSounds(snd1, snd2, delay, fs): """ Add or concatenate two sounds. Parameters ---------- snd1 : array of floats First sound. snd2 : array of floats Second sound. delay : float Delay in milliseconds between the onset of 'snd1' and the onset of 'snd2' fs : float Sampling frequency in hertz of the two sounds. Returns -------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> snd1 = pureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> snd2 = pureTone(frequency=880, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> snd = addSounds(snd1=snd1, snd2=snd2, delay=100, fs=48000) """ #delay in ms delay = delay / 1000 #convert from ms to sec nSnd1 = len(snd1[:,1]) nSnd2 = len(snd2[:,1]) snd1Duration = nSnd1/fs snd2Duration = nSnd2/fs #------------------------ # ............................... # Seg1 Seg2 Seg3 nSampSeg1 = round(delay * fs) if nSampSeg1 < nSnd1: nSampSeg2 = nSnd1 - nSampSeg1 nSampSeg3 = nSnd2 - nSampSeg2 seg1 = snd1[0:nSampSeg1,:] seg2a = snd1[nSampSeg1:nSnd1,:] if nSampSeg2 > nSnd2: # snd2 shorter than seg2, fill with zeros ldiff = nSampSeg2 - nSnd2 diffSeg = zeros((ldiff, 2)) seg2b = concatenate((snd2, diffSeg), axis=0) else: seg2b = snd2[0:nSampSeg2,:] seg3 = snd2[nSampSeg2:nSnd2,:] seg2 = seg2a+seg2b snd = concatenate((seg1, seg2), axis=0) if nSampSeg2 < nSnd2: snd = concatenate((snd, seg3), axis=0) else: seg1 = snd1 seg2 = makeSilence((delay - snd1Duration)*1000, fs) seg3 = snd2 snd = concatenate((seg1, seg2), axis=0) snd = concatenate((snd, seg3), axis=0) return snd
[docs]def AMTone(frequency=1000, AMFreq=20, AMDepth=1, phase=0, AMPhase=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate an amplitude modulated tone. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Carrier frequency in hertz. AMFreq : float Amplitude modulation frequency in Hz. AMDepth : float Amplitude modulation depth (a value of 1 corresponds to 100% modulation). phase : float Starting phase in radians. AMPhase : float Starting AM phase in radians. level : float Average tone level in dB SPL. See notes. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Notes ------ For a fixed base amplitude, the average power of an AM tone (as defined in this function) increases proportionally with AM depth by a factor of 1+AMDepth^2/2 (Viemeister, 1979, Yost et al., 1989, Hartmann, 2004). This function compensates for this average increase in power. You can use the `AMToneVarLev` function if you want to generate AM tones varying in average power with AM depth. References ---------- .. [H] Hartmann, W. M. (2004). Signals, Sound, and Sensation. Springer Science & Business Media .. [V79] Viemeister, N. F. (1979). Temporal modulation transfer functions based upon modulation thresholds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 66(5), 1364–1380. .. [YSO] Yost, W., Sheft, S., & Opie, J. (1989). Modulation interference in detection and discrimination of amplitude modulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 86(December 1989), 2138–2147. Examples -------- >>> snd = AMTone(frequency=1000, AMFreq=20, AMDepth=1, phase=0, ... AMPhase=1.5*pi, level=65, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp/1000 * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[:, 1] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + phase) elif channel == "Left": snd[:, 0] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + phase) elif channel == "Both": snd[:, 0] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + phase) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both'") snd = setLevel_(level, snd, maxLevel, channel=channel) snd = gate(ramp, snd, fs) return snd
[docs]def AMToneVarLev(frequency=1000, AMFreq=20, AMDepth=1, phase=0, AMPhase=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate an amplitude modulated (AM) tone. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Carrier frequency in hertz. AMFreq : float Amplitude modulation frequency in Hz. AMDepth : float Amplitude modulation depth (a value of 1 corresponds to 100% modulation). phase : float Starting phase in radians. AMPhase : float Starting AM phase in radians. level : float Average level of the tone in dB SPL when the `AMDepth` is zero. The level of the tone will be higher when `AMDepth` is > zero. See notes. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Notes ------ For a fixed base amplitude, the average power of an AM tone (as defined in this function) increases proportionally with AM depth by a factor of 1+AMDepth^2/2 (Viemeister, 1979, Yost et al., 1989, Hartmann, 2004). This function does not compensate for this average increase in power. You can use the `AMTone` function if you want to generate AM tones matched in average power irrespective of AM depth. References ---------- .. [H] Hartmann, W. M. (2004). Signals, Sound, and Sensation. Springer Science & Business Media .. [V79]Viemeister, N. F. (1979). Temporal modulation transfer functions based upon modulation thresholds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 66(5), 1364–1380. .. [YSO] Yost, W., Sheft, S., & Opie, J. (1989). Modulation interference in detection and discrimination of amplitude modulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 86(December 1989), 2138–2147. Examples -------- >>> snd = AMToneVarLev(frequency=1000, AMFreq=20, AMDepth=1, phase=0, ... AMPhase=1.5*pi, level=65, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[0:nRamp]+AMPhase)) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:nTot]+AMPhase)) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] + phase) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[0:nRamp]+AMPhase)) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:nTot]+AMPhase)) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] + phase) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[0:nRamp]+AMPhase)) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:nTot]+AMPhase)) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] + phase) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def AMToneIPD(frequency=1000, AMFreq=20, AMDepth=1, phase=0, AMPhase=0, phaseIPD=0, AMPhaseIPD=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Right", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate an amplitude modulated tone with an interaural phase difference (IPD) in the carrier and/or modulation phase. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Carrier frequency in hertz. AMFreq : float Amplitude modulation frequency in Hz. AMDepth : float Amplitude modulation depth (a value of 1 corresponds to 100% modulation). phase : float Starting phase in radians. AMPhase : float Starting AM phase in radians. phaseIPD : float IPD to apply to the carrier phase. AMPhaseIPD : float IPD to apply to the modulation phase. level : float Average tone level in dB SPL. See notes. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left') Channel in which the phase will be shifted. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Notes ------ For a fixed base amplitude, the average power of an AM tone (as defined in this function) increases proportionally with AM depth by a factor of 1+AMDepth^2/2 (Viemeister, 1979, Yost et al., 1989, Hartmann, 2004). This function does not compensate for this average increase in power. You can use the `AMTone` function if you want to generate AM tones matched in average power irrespective of AM depth. References ---------- .. [H] Hartmann, W. M. (2004). Signals, Sound, and Sensation. Springer Science & Business Media .. [V79] Viemeister, N. F. (1979). Temporal modulation transfer functions based upon modulation thresholds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 66(5), 1364–1380. .. [YSO] Yost, W., Sheft, S., & Opie, J. (1989). Modulation interference in detection and discrimination of amplitude modulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 86(December 1989), 2138–2147. Examples -------- >>> snd = AMToneIPD(frequency=1000, AMFreq=20, AMDepth=1, phase=0, AMPhase=1.5*pi, ... phaseIPD=0, AMPhaseIPD=pi, level=65, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ nSamples = int(round(duration/1000 * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp/1000 * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) shiftedPhase = phase+phaseIPD shiftedAMPhase = AMPhase+AMPhaseIPD #print(shiftedPhase-phase, shiftedAMPhase-AMPhase) if channel == "Right": snd[:, 1] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+shiftedAMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + shiftedPhase) snd[:, 0] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + phase) elif channel == "Left": snd[:, 1] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+AMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + phase) snd[:, 0] = (1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[:]+shiftedAMPhase)) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[:] + shiftedPhase) else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be either 'Right' or 'Left'") snd = setLevel_(level, snd, maxLevel, channel="Both") snd = gate(ramp, snd, fs) return snd
[docs]def binauralPureTone(frequency=1000, phase=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", itd=0, itdRef="Right", ild=10, ildRef="Right", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a pure tone with an optional interaural time or level difference. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Tone frequency in hertz. phase : float Starting phase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. If 'ild' is different than zero, this will be the level of the tone in the reference channel. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. itd : float Interaural time difference, in microseconds. itdRef : 'Right', 'Left' or None The reference channel for the 'itd'. The interaural time difference will be applied to the other channel with respect to the reference channel. ild : float Interaural level difference in dB SPL. ildRef : 'Right', 'Left' or None The reference channel for the 'ild'. The level of the other channel will be icreased of attenuated by 'ild' dB SPL with respect to the reference channel. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> itdTone = binauralPureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Both', itd=480, itdRef='Right', ild=0, ildRef=None, ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> ildTone = binauralPureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Both', itd=0, itdRef=None, ild=-20, ildRef='Right', ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ if itdRef not in ["Right", "Left", None]: raise ValueError("Invalid 'itdRef' argument. 'itdRef' must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or None") if ildRef not in ["Right", "Left", None]: raise ValueError("Invalid 'ildRef' argument. 'ildRef' must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or None") if itd != 0 and itdRef == None: warnings.warn("'itd' is different than zero but no 'itdRef' was given. No 'itd' will be applied.") if ild != 0 and ildRef == None: warnings.warn("'ild' is different than zero but no 'ildRef' was given. No 'ild' will be applied.") if channel == 'Both': ipd = itdtoipd(itd/1000000, frequency) if ildRef == 'Right': ampRight = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) ampLeft = 10**((level + ild - maxLevel) / 20) elif ildRef == 'Left': ampLeft = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) ampRight = 10**((level + ild - maxLevel) / 20) elif ildRef == None: ampRight = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) ampLeft = ampRight if itdRef == 'Right': phaseRight = phase phaseLeft = phase + ipd elif itdRef == 'Left': phaseLeft = phase phaseRight = phase + ipd elif itdRef == None: phaseRight = phase phaseLeft = phase else: amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20.) duration = duration / 1000. #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000. nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0., nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0., nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = ampLeft * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phaseLeft) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = ampLeft* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phaseLeft) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = ampLeft * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phaseLeft) snd[0:nRamp, 1] = ampRight * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phaseRight) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = ampRight* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phaseRight) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = ampRight * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phaseRight) else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=25, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a broadband noise. Parameters ---------- spectrumLevel : float Intensity spectrum level of the noise in dB SPL. duration : float Noise duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ("Right", "Left", "Both", or "Dichotic") Channel in which the noise will be generated. If 'Both' the same noise will be generated in both channels. If 'Dichotic' the noise will be independent at the two ears. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ """ Comments:. The intensity spectrum level in dB is ISL The peak amplitude A to achieve a desired ISL is ISL = 10*log10(A^2/NHz) that is the total intensity (A^2) divided by the freq band ISL/10 = log10(A^2/NHz) 10^(ISL/10) = A^2/NHz A^2 = 10^(ISL/10) * NHz A = 10^(ISL/20) * sqrt(NHz) NHz = sampRate / 2 (Nyquist) """ amp = sqrt(fs/2)*(10**((spectrumLevel - maxLevel) / 20)) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) snd_mono = zeros(nTot) #random is a numpy module noise = (numpy.random.random(nTot) + numpy.random.random(nTot)) - (numpy.random.random(nTot) + numpy.random.random(nTot)) RMS = sqrt(mean(noise*noise)) #noise/RMS would scale the noise so that its RMS = 1 #noise/(RMS*sqrt(2)) scales the noise so that its RMS equals the RMS of a sinusoid with peak amplitude 1 (that is 1/sqrt(2)) scaled_noise = noise / (RMS * sqrt(2)) snd_mono[0:nRamp] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[0:nRamp] snd_mono[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] = amp * scaled_noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd_mono[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] if channel == "Dichotic": snd_mono2 = zeros(nTot) noise2 = (numpy.random.random(nTot) + numpy.random.random(nTot)) - (numpy.random.random(nTot) + numpy.random.random(nTot)) RMS = sqrt(mean(noise2*noise2)) #scale the noise so that its RMS = 1 #since A = RMS*sqrt(2) scaled_noise2 = noise2 / (RMS * sqrt(2)) snd_mono2[0:nRamp] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise2[0:nRamp] snd_mono2[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] = amp * scaled_noise2[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd_mono2[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise2[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] if channel == "Right": snd[:,1] = snd_mono elif channel == "Left": snd[:,0] = snd_mono elif channel == "Both": snd[:,1] = snd_mono snd[:,0] = snd_mono elif channel == "Dichotic": snd[:,1] = snd_mono snd[:,0] = snd_mono2 else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', or 'Dichotic'") return snd
[docs]def camSinFMComplex(F0=150, lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, harmPhase="Sine", fm=5, deltaCams=1, fmPhase=pi, level=60, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a complex tone frequency modulated with an exponential sinusoid. Parameters ---------- F0 : float Fundamental aarrier frequency in hertz. lowHarm: int Lowest harmonic number. highHarm: int Highest harmonic number. harmPhase: string Harmonic phase relationship. One of 'Sine', 'Cosine', or 'Alternating'. fm : float Modulation frequency in Hz. deltaCams : float Frequency excursion in cam units (ERBn number scale). fmPhase : float Starting fmPhase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both' Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> snd_peak = camSinFMComplex(F0=150, lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, harmPhase="Sine", fm=5, deltaCams=1, fmPhase=pi, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> snd_trough = camSinFMComplex(F0=150, lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, harmPhase="Sine", fm=5, deltaCams=1, fmPhase=0, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ for i in range(int(lowHarm), int(highHarm)+1): if harmPhase == "Sine": startPhase = 0 elif harmPhase == "Cosine": startPhase = pi/2 elif harmPhase == "Alternating": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic startPhase = 0 else: startPhase = pi/2 else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', or 'Alternating'") if i == lowHarm: snd = camSinFMTone(F0*i, fm, deltaCams, fmPhase, startPhase, level, duration, ramp, channel, fs, maxLevel) else: snd = snd + camSinFMTone(F0*i, fm, deltaCams, fmPhase, startPhase, level, duration, ramp, channel, fs, maxLevel) return snd
[docs]def camSinFMTone(fc=450, fm=5, deltaCams=1, fmPhase=pi, startPhase=0, level=60, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100): """ Generate a tone frequency modulated with an exponential sinusoid. Parameters ---------- fc : float Carrier frequency in hertz. fm : float Modulation frequency in Hz. deltaCams : float Frequency excursion in cam units (ERBn number scale). fmPhase : float Starting fmPhase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both' Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> tone_peak = camSinFMTone(fc=450, fm=5, deltaCams=1, fmPhase=pi, startPhase=0, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> tone_trough = camSinFMTone(fc=450, fm=5, deltaCams=1, fmPhase=0, startPhase=0, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) #fArr = 2*pi*fc*2**((deltaCents/1200)*cos(2*pi*fm*timeAll+fmPhase)) fArr = 2*pi*freqFromERBInterval(fc, deltaCams*cos(2*pi*fm*timeAll+fmPhase)) ang = (cumsum(fArr)/fs) + startPhase snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[0:nRamp]) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[0:nRamp]) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[0:nRamp]) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def chirp(freqStart=440, ftype="linear", rate=500, level=60, duration=980, phase=0, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetize a chirp, that is a tone with frequency changing linearly or exponentially over time with a give rate. Parameters ---------- freqStart : float Starting frequency in hertz. ftype : string If 'linear', the frequency will change linearly on a Hz scale. If 'exponential', the frequency will change exponentially on a cents scale. rate : float Rate of frequency change, Hz/s if ftype is 'linear', and cents/s if ftype is 'exponential'. level : float Level of the tone in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> gl = chirp(freqStart=440, ftype='linear', rate=500, level=55, duration=980, phase=0, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 totDur = duration+ramp*2 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) if ftype == "exponential": k = 2**(rate/1200) frequency = freqStart*( ( ( (k**timeAll) - 1) /log(k) + phase) ) elif ftype == "linear": frequency = freqStart*timeAll + (rate/2)*timeAll**2 + phase else: raise ValueError("Invalid ftype argument. 'ftype' must be either 'linear', or 'exponential'") snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency[0:nRamp] ) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency[0:nRamp] ) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency[0:nRamp] ) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def complexTone(F0=220, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, stretch=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a complex tone. Parameters ---------- F0 : float Tone fundamental frequency in hertz. harmPhase : one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Random', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+' Phase relationship between the partials of the complex tone. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. stretch : float Harmonic stretch in %F0. Increase each harmonic frequency by a fixed value that is equal to (F0*stretch)/100. If 'stretch' is different than zero, an inhanmonic complex tone will be generated. level : float The level of each partial in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right' or 'Odd Left' Channel in which the tone will be generated. If 'channel' if 'Odd Right', odd numbered harmonics will be presented to the right channel and even number harmonics to the left channel. The opposite is true if 'channel' is 'Odd Left'. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> ct = complexTone(F0=440, harmPhase='Sine', lowHarm=3, highHarm=10, ... stretch=0, level=55, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000. #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 stretchHz = (F0*stretch)/100 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = zeros(nTot) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd = zeros(nTot) toneEven = zeros(nTot) if harmPhase == "Sine": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i) + stretchHz) * timeAll) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) elif harmPhase == "Cosine": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) else: toneEven = toneEven + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) elif harmPhase == "Alternating": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd = toneOdd + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) else: #even harmonic if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneEven = toneEven + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder-": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = -pi*i*(i - 1)/(highHarm-lowHarm+1) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder+": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = pi*i*(i - 1)/(highHarm-lowHarm+1) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) elif harmPhase == "Random": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = numpy.random.random() * 2 * pi if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+', or 'Random'") if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] elif channel == "Odd Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneOdd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneEven[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Odd Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneOdd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneEven[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Left', or 'Odd Right'") return snd
[docs]def complexToneParallel(F0=220, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, stretch=0, level=0, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a complex tone. This function produces the same results of complexTone. The only difference is that it uses the multiprocessing Python module to exploit multicore processors and compute the partials in a parallel fashion. Notice that there is a substantial overhead in setting up the parallel computations. This means that for relatively short sounds (in the order of seconds), this function will actually be *slower* than complexTone. Parameters ---------- F0 : float Tone fundamental frequency in hertz. harmPhase : one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Random', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+' Phase relationship between the partials of the complex tone. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. stretch : float Harmonic stretch in %F0. Increase each harmonic frequency by a fixed value that is equal to (F0*stretch)/100. If 'stretch' is different than zero, an inhanmonic complex tone will be generated. level : float The level of each partial in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right' or 'Odd Left' Channel in which the tone will be generated. If 'channel' if 'Odd Right', odd numbered harmonics will be presented to the right channel and even number harmonics to the left channel. The opposite is true if 'channel' is 'Odd Left'. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> ct = complexToneParallel(F0=440, harmPhase='Sine', lowHarm=3, highHarm=10, ... stretch=0, level=55, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) durationSec = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec rampSec = ramp / 1000 stretchHz = (F0*stretch)/100 nSamples = int(round(durationSec * fs)) nRamp = int(round(rampSec * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) tn = [] pool = multiprocessing.Pool() for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): #Select channel if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": thisChan = channel elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic if channel == "Odd Left": thisChan = "Left" elif channel == "Odd Right": thisChan = "Right" else: #even harmonic if channel == "Odd Left": thisChan = "Right" elif channel == "Odd Right": thisChan = "Left" else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right', or 'Odd Left'") #Select phase if harmPhase == "Sine": thisPhase = 0 elif harmPhase == "Cosine": thisPhase = pi/2 elif harmPhase == "Alternating": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic thisPhase = 0 else: thisPhase = pi/2 elif harmPhase == "Schroeder-": thisPhase = -pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder+": thisPhase = pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) elif harmPhase == "Random": thisPhase = numpy.random.random() * 2 * pi else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+', or 'Random'") pool.apply_async(pureTone, (F0*i+stretchHz, thisPhase, level, duration, ramp, thisChan, fs, maxLevel), callback=tn.append) pool.close() pool.join() for i in range(len(tn)): snd = snd + tn[i] return snd
[docs]def complexToneIPD(F0=220, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, stretch=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, IPD=3.14, targetEar="Right", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a complex tone with an interaural phase difference (IPD). Parameters ---------- F0 : float Tone fundamental frequency in hertz. harmPhase : one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Random', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+' Phase relationship between the partials of the complex tone. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. stretch : float Harmonic stretch in %F0. Increase each harmonic frequency by a fixed value that is equal to (F0*stretch)/100. If 'stretch' is different than zero, an inhanmonic complex tone will be generated. level : float The level of each partial in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. IPD : float Interaural phase difference, in radians. targetEar : string The ear in which the phase will be shifted. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> ct = complexToneIPD(F0=440, harmPhase='Sine', lowHarm=3, highHarm=10, ... stretch=0, level=55, duration=180, ramp=10, IPD=3.14, targetEar="Right", ... fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000. #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 stretchHz = (F0*stretch)/100 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) tone = zeros(nTot) toneShift = zeros(nTot) if harmPhase == "Sine": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i) + stretchHz) * timeAll) toneShift = toneShift + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i) + stretchHz) * timeAll + IPD) elif harmPhase == "Cosine": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): tone = tone + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) toneShift = toneShift + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + IPD) elif harmPhase == "Alternating": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic tone = tone + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) toneShift = toneShift + cos(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + IPD) else: #even harmonic tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll) toneShift = toneShift + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + IPD) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder-": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = -pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) toneShift = toneShift + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase + IPD) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder+": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) toneShift = toneShift + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase + IPD) elif harmPhase == "Random": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = numpy.random.random() * 2 * pi tone = tone + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase) toneShift = toneShift + sin(2 * pi * ((F0 * i)+stretchHz) * timeAll + phase + IPD) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+', or 'Random'") if targetEar == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneShift[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneShift[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneShift[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif targetEar == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneShift[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneShift[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneShift[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] return snd
[docs]def delayAdd(sig, delay, gain, iterations, configuration, fs): """ Delay and add algorithm for the generation of iterated rippled noise. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The signal to manipulate delay : float delay in seconds gain : float The gain to apply to the delayed signal iterations : int The number of iterations of the delay-add cycle configuration : string If 'Add Same', the output of iteration N-1 is added to delayed signal of the current iteration. If 'Add Original', the original signal is added to delayed signal of the current iteration. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hz. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). References ---------- .. [YPS1996] Yost, W. A., Patterson, R., & Sheft, S. (1996). A time domain description for the pitch strength of iterated rippled noise. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99(2), 1066–78. Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> irn = delayAdd(sig=noise, delay=1/440, gain=1, iterations=6, configuration='Add Same', fs=48000) """ #delay in seconds delayPnt = round(delay * fs) nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) en_input_right = sqrt(sum(sig[:,1]**2)) en_input_left = sqrt(sum(sig[:,0]**2)) snd = zeros((nSamples, 2)) delayed_sig = zeros((nSamples, 2)) if configuration == "Add Same": for i in range(iterations): delayed_sig = concatenate((sig[delayPnt:nSamples], sig[0:delayPnt]), axis=0) delayed_sig = delayed_sig * gain sig = sig + delayed_sig elif configuration == "Add Original": original_sig = copy.copy(sig) for i in range(iterations): delayed_sig = concatenate((sig[delayPnt:nSamples], sig[0:delayPnt]), axis=0) delayed_sig = delayed_sig * gain sig = original_sig + delayed_sig snd = sig en_output_right = sqrt(sum(snd[:,1]**2)) en_output_left = sqrt(sum(snd[:,0]**2)) scale_right = en_input_right / en_output_right scale_left = en_input_left / en_output_left snd[:,1] = snd[:,1] * scale_right snd[:,0] = snd[:,0] * scale_left return snd
[docs]def dichoticNoiseFromSin(F0=300, lowHarm=1, highHarm=3, compLevel=30, narrowBandCompLevel=30, lowFreq=40, highFreq=2000, compSpacing=10, sigBandwidth=100, distanceUnit="Cent", phaseRelationship="NoSpi", dichoticDifference="IPD Stepped", dichoticDifferenceValue=pi, duration=380, ramp=10, fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate Huggins pitch or narrow-band noise from random-phase sinusoids. This function generates first noise by adding closely spaced sinusoids in a wide frequency range. Then, it can apply an interaural time difference (ITD), an interaural phase difference (IPD) or a level increase to harmonically related narrow frequency bands within the noise. In the first two cases (ITD and IPD) the result is a dichotic pitch. In the last case the pitch can also be heard monaurally; adjusting the level increase, its salience can be closely matched to that of a dichotic pitch. Parameters ---------- F0 : float Centre frequency of the fundamental in hertz. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. compLevel : float Level of each sinusoidal frequency component of the noise. lowFreq : float Lowest frequency in hertz of the noise. highFreq : float Highest frequency in hertz of the noise. compSpacing : float Spacing between the sinusoidal components used to generate the noise. sigBandwidth : float Width of each harmonically related frequency band. distanceUnit : string (one of 'Hz', 'Cent', 'ERB') The unit of measure used for 'compSpacing' and 'sigBandwidth' phaseRelationship : string ('NoSpi' or 'NpiSo') If NoSpi, the phase of the regions within each frequency band will be shifted. If NpiSo, the phase of the regions between each frequency band will be shifted. dichoticDifference : string ('IPD Stepped', 'IPD Random', 'ITD', 'ILD Right', 'ILD Left') Selects whether the decorrelation in the target regions will be achieved by applying a costant interaural phase shift (IPD), a random IPD shift, a costant interaural time difference (ITD), or a constant interaural level difference achieved by a level change in the right ('ILD Right') or the left ('ILD Left') ear. dichoticDifferenceValue : float For 'IPD Stepped', this is the phase offset, in radians, between the correlated and the uncorrelated regions. For 'ITD' this is the ITD in the transition region, in micro seconds. For 'Random Phase', the range of phase shift randomization in the uncorrelated regions. For 'ILD Left' or 'ILD Right' this is the level difference between the left and right ear in the uncorrelated regions. narrowBandCompLevel : float Level of the sinusoidal components in the frequency bands. If the 'narrowBandCompLevel' is greater than the level of the background noise ('compLevel'), a complex tone consisting of narrowband noises in noise will be generated. duration : float Sound duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> s1 = dichoticNoiseFromSin(F0=300, lowHarm=1, highHarm=3, compLevel=30, narrowBandCompLevel=30, lowFreq=40, highFreq=2000, compSpacing=10, sigBandwidth=100, distanceUnit='Cent', phaseRelationship='NoSpi', dichoticDifference='IPD Stepped', dichoticDifferenceValue=pi, duration=380, ramp=10, fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ sDuration = duration/1000 #convert from ms to sec sRamp = ramp/1000 totDur = sDuration + (2 * sRamp) nSamples = int(round(sDuration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(sRamp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if distanceUnit == 'Hz': noiseBandwidth = highFreq - lowFreq elif distanceUnit == 'Cent': noiseBandwidth = 1200*log2(highFreq/lowFreq) #in cents elif distanceUnit == 'ERB': noiseBandwidth = ERBDistance(lowFreq, highFreq) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'distanceUnit' argument. 'distanceUnit' must be one 'Hz', 'Cent', or 'ERB'") nComponents = int(floor(noiseBandwidth/compSpacing)) amp = 10**((compLevel - maxLevel) / 20) amp2 = 10**((narrowBandCompLevel - maxLevel) / 20) #change amp to the amp of narrow-bands freqs = zeros(nComponents) freqs[0] = lowFreq if distanceUnit == "Hz": for i in range(1, nComponents): #indexing starts from 1 freqs[i] = freqs[i-1] + compSpacing elif distanceUnit == "Cent": for i in range(1, nComponents): #indexing starts from 1 freqs[i] = freqs[i-1]*(2**(compSpacing/1200)) elif distanceUnit == "ERB": for i in range(1, nComponents): #indexing starts from 1 freqs[i] = freqFromERBInterval(freqs[i-1], compSpacing) phasesR = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2*pi, nComponents) freqsToShift = array([], int64) for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): thisFreq = F0*i; prevFreq = F0*(i-1) if distanceUnit == "Hz": lo = thisFreq - (sigBandwidth/2) hi = thisFreq + (sigBandwidth/2) hiPrev = prevFreq + (sigBandwidth/2) if distanceUnit == "Cent": lo = thisFreq*2**(-(sigBandwidth/2)/1200) hi = thisFreq*2**((sigBandwidth/2)/1200) hiPrev = prevFreq*2**((sigBandwidth/2)/1200) elif distanceUnit == "ERB": lo = freqFromERBInterval(thisFreq, -sigBandwidth/2) hi = freqFromERBInterval(thisFreq, sigBandwidth/2) hiPrev = freqFromERBInterval(prevFreq, sigBandwidth/2) if phaseRelationship == "NoSpi": thisFreqsToShift = numpy.where((freqs>lo) & (freqs<hi)) freqsToShift = numpy.append(freqsToShift, thisFreqsToShift) elif phaseRelationship == "NpiSo": if i == 0: thisFreqsToShift = where((freqs>lowFreq) & (freqs<lo)) else: thisFreqsToShift = where((freqs>hiPrev) & (freqs<lo)) if i == highHarm: foo = where(freqs>hi) thisFreqsToShift = numpy.append(thisFreqsToShift, foo) freqsToShift = numpy.append(freqsToShift, thisFreqsToShift) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'phaseRelationship' argument. 'phaseRelationship must be either 'NoSpi', or 'NpiSo'") amps = numpy.repeat(amp, nComponents) amps[freqsToShift] = amp2 sinArrayRight = zeros((nComponents, nTot)) for i in range(0, nComponents): sinArrayRight[i,] = amps[i] * sin(2*pi*freqs[i] * timeAll + phasesR[i]) sinArrayLeft = copy.copy(sinArrayRight) if dichoticDifference == "IPD Stepped": for i in range(0,len(freqsToShift)): sinArrayLeft[freqsToShift[i],] = amp2* sin(2*pi*freqs[freqsToShift[i]] * timeAll + (phasesR[freqsToShift[i]]+dichoticDifferenceValue)) elif dichoticDifference == "IPD Random": phasesL = copy.copy(phasesR) phasesL[freqsToShift] = phasesL[freqsToShift] + numpy.random.uniform(0, dichoticDifferenceValue, len(phasesL[freqsToShift])) for i in range(0,len(freqsToShift)): sinArrayLeft[freqsToShift[i],] = amp2* sin(2*pi*freqs[freqsToShift[i]] * timeAll + phasesL[i]) elif dichoticDifference == "ITD": for i in range(0,len(freqsToShift)): thisIpd = itdtoipd(dichoticDifferenceValue/1000000, freqs[freqsToShift[i]]) sinArrayLeft[freqsToShift[i],] = amp2* sin(2*pi*freqs[freqsToShift[i]] * timeAll + (phasesR[freqsToShift[i]]+thisIpd)) elif dichoticDifference == "ILD Right" or dichoticDifference == "ILD Left": amp3 = 10**((narrowBandCompLevel+dichoticDifferenceValue - maxLevel) / 20) #change amp to the amp of narrow-bands if dichoticDifference == "ILD Left": for i in range(0,len(freqsToShift)): sinArrayLeft[freqsToShift[i],] = amp3* sin(2*pi*freqs[freqsToShift[i]] * timeAll + phasesR[freqsToShift[i]]) elif dichoticDifference == "ILD Right": for i in range(0,len(freqsToShift)): sinArrayRight[freqsToShift[i],] = amp3* sin(2*pi*freqs[freqsToShift[i]] * timeAll + phasesR[freqsToShift[i]]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'dichoticDifference' argument. 'dichoticDifference' must be one of 'IPD Stepped', 'IPD Random', 'ITD', 'IDL Right', or 'IDL Left'") snd[:,0] = sum(sinArrayRight,0) snd[:,1] = sum(sinArrayLeft,0) snd = gate(ramp, snd, fs) return snd
[docs]def ERBDistance(f1, f2): """ Compute the distance in equivalent rectangular bandwiths (ERBs) between f1 and f2. Parameters ---------- f1 : float frequency 1 in Hz f2 : float frequency 2 in Hz Returns ------- deltaERB : float distance between f1 and f2 in ERBs References ---------- .. [GM] Glasberg, B. R., & Moore, B. C. J. (1990). Derivation of auditory filter shapes from notched-noise data. Hear. Res., 47(1-2), 103–38. Examples -------- >>> ERBDistance(1000, 1200) """ deltaERB = 21.4*log10(0.00437*f2+1) - 21.4*log10(0.00437*f1+1) return deltaERB
[docs]def expAMNoise(fc=150, fm=2.5, deltaCents=1200, fmPhase=pi, AMDepth=1, spectrumLevel=24, duration=480, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a sinusoidally amplitude-modulated noise with an exponentially modulated AM frequency. Parameters ---------- fc : float Carrier AM frequency in hertz. fm : float Modulation of the AM frequency in Hz. deltaCents : float AM frequency excursion in cents. The instataneous AM frequency of the noise will vary from fc**(-deltaCents/1200) to fc**(deltaCents/1200). fmPhase : float Starting phase of the AM modulation in radians. AMDepth : float Amplitude modulation depth. spectrumLevel : float Noise spectrum level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both' Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> snd = expAMNoise(fc=150, fm=2.5, deltaCents=1200, fmPhase=3.14, AMDepth = 1, spectrumLevel=24, duration=480, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = sqrt(fs/2)*(10**((spectrumLevel - maxLevel) / 20)) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) #random is a numpy module noise = (numpy.random.random(nTot) + numpy.random.random(nTot)) - (numpy.random.random(nTot) + numpy.random.random(nTot)) RMS = sqrt(mean(noise*noise)) #scale the noise so that the maxAmplitude goes from -1 to 1 #since A = RMS*sqrt(2) scaled_noise = noise / (RMS * sqrt(2)) #(1 + AMDepth*sin(2*pi*AMFreq*timeAll[0:nRamp])) fArr = 2*pi*fc*2**((deltaCents/1200)*cos(2*pi*fm*timeAll+fmPhase)) ang = (cumsum(fArr)/fs) #+ startPhase #amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) #* (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[0:nRamp])) #* (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples])) #* (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)])) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[0:nRamp])) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples])) * scaled_noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)])) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[0:nRamp])) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples])) * scaled_noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)])) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[0:nRamp])) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples])) * scaled_noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)])) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[0:nRamp])) * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples])) * scaled_noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * (1 + AMDepth*sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)])) * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * scaled_noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def expSinFMComplex(F0=150, lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, harmPhase="Sine", fm=40, deltaCents=1200, fmPhase=0, level=60, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a frequency-modulated complex tone with an exponential sinusoid. Parameters ---------- fc : float Carrier frequency in hertz. fm : float Modulation frequency in Hz. deltaCents : float Frequency excursion in cents. The instataneous frequency of the tone will vary from fc**(-deltaCents/1200) to fc**(+deltaCents/1200). fmPhase : float Starting fmPhase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both' Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> tone_peak = expSinFMComplex(F0=150, lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, harmPhase="Sine", fm=5, deltaCents=300, fmPhase=pi, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) >>> tone_trough = expSinFMComplex(F0=150, lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, harmPhase="Sine", fm=5, deltaCents=300, fmPhase=0, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ for i in range(int(lowHarm), int(highHarm)+1): if harmPhase == "Sine": startPhase = 0 elif harmPhase == "Cosine": startPhase = pi/2 elif harmPhase == "Alternating": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic startPhase = 0 else: startPhase = pi/2 else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', or 'Alternating'") if i == lowHarm: snd = expSinFMTone(F0*i, fm, deltaCents, fmPhase, startPhase, level, duration, ramp, channel, fs, maxLevel) else: snd = snd + expSinFMTone(F0*i, fm, deltaCents, fmPhase, startPhase, level, duration, ramp, channel, fs, maxLevel) return snd
[docs]def expSinFMTone(fc=450, fm=5, deltaCents=300, fmPhase=pi, startPhase=0, level=60, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a frequency-modulated tone with an exponential sinusoid. Parameters ---------- fc : float Carrier frequency in hertz. fm : float Modulation frequency in Hz. deltaCents : float Frequency excursion in cents. The instataneous frequency of the tone will vary from fc**(-deltaCents/1200) to fc**(+deltaCents/1200). fmPhase : float Starting fmPhase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both' Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> tone_peak = expSinFMTone(fc=450, fm=5, deltaCents=300, fmPhase=pi, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) >>> tone_trough = expSinFMTone(fc=450, fm=5, deltaCents=300, fmPhase=0, level=60, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) fArr = 2*pi*fc*2**((deltaCents/1200)*cos(2*pi*fm*timeAll+fmPhase)) ang = (cumsum(fArr)/fs) + startPhase snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[0:nRamp]) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[0:nRamp]) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[0:nRamp]) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(ang[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples]) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(ang[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def fm_complex1(midF0=140, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, level=60, duration=430, ramp=10, fmFreq=1.25, fmDepth=40, fmStartPhase=1.5*pi, fmStartTime=25, fmDuration=400, levelAdj=True, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a complex tone with an embedded FM starting and stopping at a chosen time after the tone onset. Parameters ---------- midF0 : float F0 at the FM zero crossing harmPhase : one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Random', 'Schroeder-', or 'Schroeder+' Phase relationship between the partials of the complex tone. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. level : float The level of each partial in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. fmFreq : float FM frequency in Hz. fmDepth : float FM depth in % fmStartPhase : float Starting phase of FM fmStartTime : float Start of FM in ms after start of tone fmDuration : float Duration of FM, in ms levelAdj : logical If `True`, scale the harmonic level so that for a complex tone within a bandpass filter the overall level does not change with F0 modulations. channel: 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right' or 'Odd Left' Channel in which the tone will be generated. If 'channel' if 'Odd Right', odd numbered harmonics will be presented to the right channel and even number harmonics to the left channel. The opposite is true if 'channel' is 'Odd Left'. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Examples -------- >>> tone_up = fm_complex1(midF0=140, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, level=60, duration=430, ramp=10, fmFreq=1.25, fmDepth=40, fmStartPhase=1.5*pi, fmStartTime=25, fmDuration=400, levelAdj=True, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) >>> tone_down = fm_complex1(midF0=140, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, level=60, duration=430, ramp=10, fmFreq=1.25, fmDepth=40, fmStartPhase=0.5*pi, fmStartTime=25, fmDuration=400, levelAdj=True, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec fmStartTime = fmStartTime / 1000 #convert from ms to sec fmDuration = fmDuration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 fmStartPnt = int(round(fmStartTime*fs)) #sample where FM starts nFMSamples = int(round(fmDuration*fs)) #number of FM samples nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) timeAllSamp = arange(0, nTot) #time array not scaled by fs time1 = timeAllSamp[0:fmStartPnt] time2 = timeAllSamp[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] time3 = timeAllSamp[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] fmTime = arange(0, nFMSamples) fmDepthHz = fmDepth*midF0/100 #convert from % to Hz B = fmDepthHz / fmFreq #Beta fmStartDepth = fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase) fmRadFreq = 2*pi*fmFreq/fs midF0Rad = 2*pi*midF0/fs startF0Rad = 2*pi*(midF0 + fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase))/fs endF0Rad = 2*pi*(midF0 + fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase + nFMSamples*fmRadFreq)) / fs if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = zeros(nTot) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd = zeros(nTot) toneEven = zeros(nTot) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) #from Hartmann, WM (1997) Signals, sound, and sensation. New York: AIP Press #angular frequency is the time derivative of the instantaneous phase #if the angular frequency is given by a constant carrier `wc`, plus a #sinusoidal deviation `dw`: #eq.1: w(t) = wc + dw*cos(wm*t+phi) #where `wm` is the modulation frequency, then the instantaneous phase is #given by the integral of the above expression with respect to time #eq.2: PHI(t) = wc*t + (dw/wm)*sin(wm*t+phi) #that's the canonical form of the FM equation #if instead of modulating the angular freq. in eq. 1 by `cos` we modulate it by `sin`: #eq. 3: w(t) = wc + dw*(cos(wm*tphi) #and the resulting integral is: #eq.4: PHI(t) = wc*t - (dw/wm)*cos(wm*t+phi) #this is what we're actually using below if harmPhase == "Sine": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) else: toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif harmPhase == "Cosine": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] + cos(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + cos(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + cos(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] + cos(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + cos(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + cos(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) else: toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] + cos(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + cos(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + cos(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif harmPhase == "Alternating": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] + cos(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + cos(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + cos(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] + cos(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + cos(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + cos(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) else: #even harmonic if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase))) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2) elif harmPhase in ["Schroeder-", "Schroeder+"]: for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): if harmPhase == "Schroeder-": phase = -pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder+": phase = pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1 + phase) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase)) + phase) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2 + phase) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1 + phase) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase)) + phase) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2 + phase) else: toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1 + phase) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase)) + phase) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2 + phase) elif harmPhase == "Random": for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): phase = numpy.random.random() * 2 * pi if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1 + phase) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase)) + phase) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2 + phase) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1 + phase) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase)) + phase) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2 + phase) else: toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] + sin(startF0Rad*i*time1 + phase) phaseCorrect1 = (i*startF0Rad*fmStartPnt) - (i*midF0Rad*fmStartPnt) + (i*B*cos(fmStartPhase)) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] + sin(midF0Rad*i*time2+phaseCorrect1-(i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*fmTime+fmStartPhase)) + phase) phaseCorrect2 = (i*midF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) + (phaseCorrect1 - i*B*cos(fmRadFreq*nFMSamples + fmStartPhase)) - (i*endF0Rad*(fmStartPnt+nFMSamples)) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] + sin(i*endF0Rad*time3 + phaseCorrect2 + phase) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+', or 'Random'") #numpy.savetxt('ptone.txt', tone) #level correction -------------- if levelAdj == True: if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] * sqrt(((startF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] * sqrt((midF0 + (fmDepthHz * sin (fmStartPhase + (fmTime * fmRadFreq)))) / midF0) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] * sqrt( ((endF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) else: toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] * sqrt(((startF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] * sqrt((midF0 + (fmDepthHz * sin (fmStartPhase + (fmTime * fmRadFreq)))) / midF0) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] * sqrt(((endF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] * sqrt(((startF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] * sqrt((midF0 + (fmDepthHz * sin (fmStartPhase + (fmTime * fmRadFreq)))) / midF0) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] * sqrt(((endF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) #end of level correction ----------- if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] elif channel == "Odd Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneOdd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneEven[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] elif channel == "Odd Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneOdd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneEven[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both', 'Odd Right', or Odd Left'") return snd
[docs]def fm_complex2(midF0=140, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, level=60, duration=430, ramp=10, fmFreq=1.25, fmDepth=40, fmStartPhase=1.5*pi, fmStartTime=25, fmDuration=400, levelAdj=True, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a complex tone with an embedded FM starting and stopping at a chosen time after the tone onset. Parameters ---------- midF0 : float F0 at the FM zero crossing harmPhase : one of 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Random', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+' Phase relationship between the partials of the complex tone. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. level : float The level of each partial in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. fmFreq : float FM frequency in Hz. fmDepth : float FM depth in % fmStartPhase : float Starting phase of FM fmStartTime : float Start of FM in ms after start of tone fmDuration : float Duration of FM, in ms levelAdj : logical If `True`, scale the harmonic level so that for a complex tone within a bandpass filter the overall level does not change with F0 modulations. channel: 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right' or 'Odd Left' Channel in which the tone will be generated. If 'channel' if 'Odd Right', odd numbered harmonics will be presented to the right channel and even number harmonics to the left channel. The opposite is true if 'channel' is 'Odd Left'. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Examples -------- >>> tone_up = fm_complex2(midF0=140, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, level=60, duration=430, ramp=10, fmFreq=1.25, fmDepth=40, fmStartPhase=1.5*pi, fmStartTime=25, fmDuration=400, levelAdj=True, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) >>> tone_down = fm_complex2(midF0=140, harmPhase="Sine", lowHarm=1, highHarm=10, level=60, duration=430, ramp=10, fmFreq=1.25, fmDepth=40, fmStartPhase=0.5*pi, fmStartTime=25, fmDuration=400, levelAdj=True, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec fmStartTime = fmStartTime / 1000 #convert from ms to sec fmDuration = fmDuration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 fmStartPnt = int(round(fmStartTime*fs)) #sample where FM starts nFMSamples = int(round(fmDuration*fs)) #number of FM samples nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) timeAllSamp = arange(0, nTot) #time array not scaled by fs time1 = timeAllSamp[0:fmStartPnt] time2 = timeAllSamp[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] time3 = timeAllSamp[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] fmTime = arange(0, nFMSamples) fmDepthHz = fmDepth*midF0/100 #convert from % to Hz B = fmDepthHz / fmFreq #Beta fmStartDepth = fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase) fmRadFreq = 2*pi*fmFreq/fs midF0Rad = 2*pi*midF0/fs startF0Rad = 2*pi*(midF0 + fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase))/fs endF0Rad = 2*pi*(midF0 + fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase + nFMSamples*fmRadFreq)) / fs startF0 = midF0 + fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase) endF0 = midF0 + fmDepthHz*sin(fmStartPhase + nFMSamples*fmRadFreq) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = zeros(nTot) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd = zeros(nTot) toneEven = zeros(nTot) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) #from Hartmann, WM (1997) Signals, sound, and sensation. New York: AIP Press #angular frequency is the time derivative of the instantaneous phase #if the angular frequency is given by a constant carrier `wc`, plus a #sinusoidal deviation `dw`: #eq.1: w(t) = wc + dw*cos(wm*t+phi) #where `wm` is the modulation frequency, then the instantaneous phase is #given by the integral of the above expression with respect to time #eq.2: PHI(t) = wc*t + (dw/wm)*sin(wm*t+phi) #that's the canonical form of the FM equation #if instead of modulating the angular freq. in eq. 1 by `cos` we modulate it by `sin`: #eq. 3: w(t) = wc + dw*(cos(wm*tphi) #and the resulting integral is: #eq.4: PHI(t) = wc*t - (dw/wm)*cos(wm*t+phi) #this is what we're actually using below for i in range(lowHarm, highHarm+1): fArr = zeros(nTot) fArr[0:fmStartPnt] = startF0*i fArr[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = (midF0*i + fmDepthHz*i*sin(2*pi*fmFreq*fmTime/fs+fmStartPhase)) fArr[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = endF0*i if harmPhase == "Sine": ang = cumsum(2*pi*fArr/fs) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(ang) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(ang) elif harmPhase == "Cosine": ang = cumsum(2*pi*fArr/fs) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + cos(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + cos(ang) else: toneEven = toneEven + cos(ang) elif harmPhase == "Alternating": ang = cumsum(2*pi*fArr/fs) if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + cos(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd = toneOdd + cos(ang) else: #even harmonic if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneEven = toneEven + sin(ang) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder-": phase = -pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) ang = cumsum(2*pi*fArr/fs + phase) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(ang) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(ang) elif harmPhase == "Schroeder+": phase = pi * i * (i - 1) / (highHarm-lowHarm+1) ang = cumsum(2*pi*fArr/fs + phase) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(ang) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(ang) elif harmPhase == "Random": phase = numpy.random.random() * 2 * pi ang = cumsum(2*pi*fArr/fs + phase) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + sin(ang) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic toneOdd = toneOdd + sin(ang) else: toneEven = toneEven + sin(ang) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'harmPhase' argument. 'harmPhase' must be one 'Sine', 'Cosine', 'Alternating', 'Schroeder-', 'Schroeder+', or 'Random'") #level correction -------------- if levelAdj == True: if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone[0:fmStartPnt] = tone[0:fmStartPnt] * sqrt(((startF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = tone[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] * sqrt((midF0 + (fmDepthHz * sin (fmStartPhase + (fmTime * fmRadFreq)))) / midF0) tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = tone[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] * sqrt( ((endF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) else: toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] = toneEven[0:fmStartPnt] * sqrt(((startF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneEven[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] * sqrt((midF0 + (fmDepthHz * sin (fmStartPhase + (fmTime * fmRadFreq)))) / midF0) toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneEven[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] * sqrt(((endF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] = toneOdd[0:fmStartPnt] * sqrt(((startF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt:fmStartPnt+nFMSamples] * sqrt((midF0 + (fmDepthHz * sin (fmStartPhase + (fmTime * fmRadFreq)))) / midF0) toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] = toneOdd[fmStartPnt+nFMSamples:nTot] * sqrt(((endF0Rad / (2*pi)) * (fs))/ midF0) #end of level correction ----------- if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * tone[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * tone[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] elif channel == "Odd Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneOdd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneEven[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] elif channel == "Odd Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * toneOdd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneOdd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * toneEven[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:nTot, 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * toneEven[nRamp+nSamples:nTot] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right', or 'Odd Left'") return snd
[docs]def FMTone(fc=1000, fm=40, mi=1, phase=0, level=60, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a frequency modulated tone. Parameters ---------- fc : float Carrier frequency in hertz. This is the frequency of the tone at fm zero crossing. fm : float Modulation frequency in Hz. mi : float Modulation index, also called beta and is equal to deltaF/fm, where deltaF is the maximum deviation of the instantaneous frequency from the carrier frequency. phase : float Starting phase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both' Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> snd = FMTone(fc=1000, fm=40, mi=1, phase=0, level=55, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*fc*timeAll[0:nRamp] + mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase)) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp* sin(2*pi*fc * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] +mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase)) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*fc * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]+mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase)) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*fc*timeAll[0:nRamp] + mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase)) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*fc * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] +mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase)) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*fc * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]+mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase)) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*fc*timeAll[0:nRamp] + mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase)) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*fc * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] +mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase)) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*fc * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)]+mi*sin(2*pi*fm * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase)) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def fir2Filt(f1, f2, f3, f4, snd, fs): """ Filter signal with a fir2 filter. This function designs and applies a fir2 filter to a sound. The frequency response of the ideal filter will transition from 0 to 1 between 'f1' and 'f2', and from 1 to zero between 'f3' and 'f4'. The frequencies must be given in increasing order. Parameters ---------- f1 : float Frequency in hertz of the point at which the transition for the low-frequency cutoff ends. f2 : float Frequency in hertz of the point at which the transition for the low-frequency cutoff starts. f3 : float Frequency in hertz of the point at which the transition for the high-frequency cutoff starts. f4 : float Frequency in hertz of the point at which the transition for the high-frequency cutoff ends. snd : array of floats The sound to be filtered. fs : int Sampling frequency of 'snd'. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Notes ------- If 'f1' and 'f2' are zero the filter will be lowpass. If 'f3' and 'f4' are equal to or greater than the nyquist frequency (fs/2) the filter will be highpass. In the other cases the filter will be bandpass. The order of the filter (number of taps) is fixed at 256. This function uses internally 'scipy.signal.firwin2'. Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> lpNoise = fir2Filt(f1=0, f2=0, f3=1000, f4=1200, ... snd=noise, fs=48000) #lowpass filter >>> hpNoise = fir2Filt(f1=5000, f2=6000, f3=24000, f4=26000, ... snd=noise, fs=48000) #highpass filter >>> bpNoise = fir2Filt(f1=400, f2=600, f3=4000, f4=4400, ... snd=noise, fs=48000) #bandpass filter """ f1 = (f1 * 2) / fs f2 = (f2 * 2) / fs f3 = (f3 * 2) / fs f4 = (f4 * 2) / fs n = 256 if f2 == 0: #low pass f = [0, f3, f4, 1] m = [1, 1, 0.00003, 0] elif f3 < 1: #bandpass f = [0, f1, f2, ((f2+f3)/2), f3, f4, 1] m = [0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 1, 0.00003, 0] else:#high pass f = [0, f1, f2, 0.999999, 1] #scipy wants that gain at the Nyquist is 0 m = [0, 0.00003, 1, 1, 0] #print(f) b = firwin2 (n,f,m); x = copy.copy(snd) x[:, 0] = convolve(snd[:,0], b, 1) x[:, 1] = convolve(snd[:,1], b, 1) return x
[docs]def freqFromERBInterval(f1, deltaERB): """ Compute the frequency, in Hz, corresponding to a distance, in equivalent rectangular bandwidths (ERBs), of 'deltaERB' from f1. Parameters ---------- f1 : float frequency at one end of the interval in Hz deltaERB : float distance in ERBs Returns ------- f2 : float frequency at the other end of the interval in Hz References ---------- .. [GM] Glasberg, B. R., & Moore, B. C. J. (1990). Derivation of auditory filter shapes from notched-noise data. Hear. Res., 47(1-2), 103–38. Examples -------- >>> freqFromERBInterval(100, 1.5) >>> freqFromERBInterval(100, -1.5) >>> #for several frequencies >>> freqFromERBInterval([100, 200, 300], 1.5) >>> # for several distances >>> freqFromERBInterval(100, [1, 1.5, 2]) """ f1 = asarray(f1) deltaERB = asarray(deltaERB) f2 = (10**((deltaERB + 21.4*log10(0.00437*f1 +1))/21.4)-1) / 0.00437 return f2
[docs]def gate(ramps, sig, fs): """ Impose onset and offset ramps to a sound. Parameters ---------- ramps : float The duration of the ramps. sig : array of floats The signal on which the ramps should be imposed. fs : int The sampling frequency os 'sig' Returns ------- sig : array of floats The ramped signal. Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=200, ramp=0, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> gate(ramps=10, sig=noise, fs=48000) """ ramps = ramps / 1000. nRamp = int(round(ramps * fs)) timeRamp = arange(0., nRamp) nTot = len(sig[:,1]) nStartSecondRamp = nTot - nRamp sig[0:nRamp, 0] = sig[0:nRamp, 0] * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) sig[0:nRamp, 1] = sig[0:nRamp, 1] * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) sig[nStartSecondRamp:nTot, 0] = sig[nStartSecondRamp:nTot, 0] * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) sig[nStartSecondRamp:nTot, 1] = sig[nStartSecondRamp:nTot, 1] * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) return sig
[docs]def getRMS(sig, channel="each"): """ Compute the root mean square (RMS) value of the signal. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The signal for which the RMS needs to be computed. channel : string or int Either an integer indicating the channel number, 'each' for a list of the RMS values in each channel, or 'all' for the RMS across all channels. Returns ------- rms : float The RMS of 'sig'. Examples -------- >>> pt = pureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel="Right", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> getRMS(pt, channel="each") """ if type(channel) not in [str, int]: raise ValueError("Channel must be either a string or an integer") if sig.ndim == 2: if type(channel) == str: if channel == "each": nChans = sig.shape[1] rms = list() for i in range(nChans): rms.append(sqrt(mean(sig[:,i]*sig[:,i]))) elif channel == "all": rms = sqrt(mean(sig*sig)) else: raise ValueError("If 'channel' is a string it must be either 'each' or 'all'") elif type(channel) == int: rms = sqrt(mean(sig[:,channel]*sig[:,channel])) elif sig.ndim == 1: if type(channel) == str: if channel == "each": rms = list() rms.append(sqrt(mean(sig*sig))) elif channel == "all": rms = sqrt(mean(sig*sig)) else: raise ValueError("If 'channel' is a string it must be either 'each' or 'all'") elif type(channel) == int: if channel != 0: raise valueError("signal is 1 dimensional. Trying to access channel > 0") rms = sqrt(mean(sig*sig)) else: raise ValueError("getRMS accepts only 1 or 2 dimensional signals") return rms
[docs]def glide(freqStart=440, ftype="exponential", excursion=500, level=60, duration=180, phase=0, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetize a rising or falling tone glide with frequency changing linearly or exponentially. Parameters ---------- freqStart : float Starting frequency in hertz. ftype : string If 'linear', the frequency will change linearly on a Hz scale. If 'exponential', the frequency will change exponentially on a cents scale. excursion : float If ftype is 'linear', excursion is the total frequency change in Hz. The final frequency will be freqStart + excursion. If ftype is 'exponential', excursion is the total frequency change in cents. The final frequency in Hz will be freqStart*2**(excursion/1200). level : float Level of the tone in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> gl = glide(freqStart=440, ftype='exponential', excursion=500, level=55, duration=180, phase=0, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ totDur = duration/1000+ramp/1000*2 rate = excursion / totDur snd = chirp(freqStart, ftype, rate, level, duration, phase, ramp, channel, fs, maxLevel) return snd
[docs]def harmComplFromNarrowbandNoise(F0=440, lowHarm=1, highHarm=8, level=40, bandwidth=80, bandwidthUnit="Hz", stretch=0, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate an harmonic complex tone from narrow noise bands. Parameters ---------- F0 : float Fundamental frequency of the complex. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. The first component is #1. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. level : float The spectrum level of the noise bands in dB SPL. bandwidth : float The width of each noise band. bandwidthUnit : string ('Hz', 'Cent', 'ERB') Defines whether the bandwith of the noise bands is expressed in hertz (Hz), cents (Cent), or equivalent rectangular bandwidths (ERB). stretch : float Harmonic stretch in %F0. Increase each harmonic frequency by a fixed value that is equal to (F0*stretch)/100. If 'stretch' is different than zero, an inhanmonic complex tone will be generated. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right' or 'Odd Left' Channel in which the tone will be generated. If 'channel' if 'Odd Right', odd numbered harmonics will be presented to the right channel and even number harmonics to the left channel. The opposite is true if 'channel' is 'Odd Left'. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : array of floats Examples -------- >>> c1 = harmComplFromNarrowbandNoise(F0=440, lowHarm=3, highHarm=8, level=40, bandwidth=80, bandwidthUnit="Hz", stretch=0, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ stretchHz = (F0*stretch)/100 sDuration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec sRamp = ramp / 1000 totDur = sDuration + (2 * sRamp) nSamples = int(round(sDuration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(sRamp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = zeros((nTot, 2)) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": toneOdd = zeros((nTot, 2)) toneEven = zeros((nTot, 2)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left', 'Both', 'Odd Right', or 'Odd Left'") cfs = arange(lowHarm, highHarm+1)*F0 #center frequencies cfs = cfs + stretchHz if bandwidthUnit == "Hz": fLo = cfs - (bandwidth/2) fHi = cfs + (bandwidth/2) elif bandwidthUnit == "Cent": fLo = cfs*2**(-(bandwidth/2)/1200) fHi = cfs*2**((bandwidth/2)/1200) elif bandwidthUnit == "ERB": fLo = freqFromERBInterval(cfs, -bandwidth/2) fHi = freqFromERBInterval(cfs, bandwidth/2) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'bandwidthUnit' argument. 'bandwidthUnit' must be one of 'Hz', 'Cent', or 'ERB'") for i in range(len(fLo)): if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": tone = tone + steepNoise(fLo[i], fHi[i], level, duration, ramp, channel, fs, maxLevel) elif channel == "Odd Left" or channel == "Odd Right": if i%2 > 0: #odd harmonic #make the tone in the left channel, then move it where needed toneOdd = toneOdd + steepNoise(fLo[i], fHi[i], level, duration, ramp, "Left", fs, maxLevel) else: toneEven = toneEven + steepNoise(fLo[i], fHi[i], level, duration, ramp, "Left", fs, maxLevel) if channel == "Right" or channel == "Left" or channel == "Both": snd = tone elif channel == "Odd Left": snd[:,0] = toneOdd[:,0] snd[:,1] = toneEven[:,0] elif channel == "Odd Right": snd[:,1] = toneOdd[:,0] snd[:,0] = toneEven[:,0] return snd
[docs]def intNCyclesFreq(freq, duration): """ Compute the frequency closest to 'freq' that has an integer number of cycles for the given sound duration. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Frequency in hertz. duration : float Duration of the sound, in milliseconds. Returns ------- adjFreq : float Examples -------- >>> intNCyclesFreq(freq=2.1, duration=1000) 2.0 >>> intNCyclesFreq(freq=2, duration=1000) 2.0 """ duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec adjFreq = round(freq*duration)/duration return adjFreq
[docs]def imposeLevelGlide(sig, deltaL, startTime, endTime, channel, fs): """ Impose a glide in level to a sound. This function changes the level of a sound with a smooth transition (an amplitude ramp) between 'startTime' and 'endTime'. If the signal input to the function has a level L, the signal output by the function will have a level L between time 0 and 'startTime', and a level L+deltaL between endTime and the end of the sound. Parameters ---------- sig : float Sound on which to impose the level change. deltaL : float Magnitude of the level change in dB SPL. startTime : float Start of the level transition in milliseconds. endTime : float End of the level transition in milliseconds. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel to which apply the level transition. fs : int Samplig frequency of the sound in Hz. Returns ------- snd : array of floats Examples -------- >>> pt = pureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> pt2 = imposeLevelGlide(sig=pt, deltaL=10, startTime=100, endTime=120, channel='Both', fs=48000) """ #here we impose an amplitude ramp rather than a linear intensity change #give startTime and endTime in ms as arguments, then convert to sec if deltaL != 0: startTime = startTime / 1000. endTime = endTime / 1000. startAmp = 1 #no change endAmp = 10**(deltaL/20) nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) startPnt = round(startTime * fs) endPnt = round(endTime * fs) nRamp = endPnt - startPnt timeRamp = arange(0., nRamp) x = (startAmp+endAmp)/(startAmp-endAmp) y = 2/(startAmp-endAmp) ramp = ((x+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/y) ampArray = ones(nSamples) ampArray[startPnt:endPnt] = ramp ampArray[endPnt:len(ampArray)] = repeat(endAmp, len(ampArray[endPnt:len(ampArray)])) snd = zeros((nSamples,2)) if channel == "Right": snd[:,1] = sig[:,1] * ampArray elif channel == "Left": snd[:,0] = sig[:,0] * ampArray elif channel == "Both": snd[:,1] = sig[:,1] * ampArray snd[:,0] = sig[:,0] * ampArray else: snd = sig return snd
[docs]def ITDShift(sig, f1, f2, ITD, channel, fs): """ Set the ITD of a sound within the frequency region bounded by 'f1' and 'f2' Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats Input signal. f1 : float The start point of the frequency region to be phase-shifted in hertz. f2 : float The end point of the frequency region to be phase-shifted in hertz. ITD : float The amount of ITD shift in microseconds channel : string ('Right' or 'Left') The channel in which to apply the shift. fs : float The sampling frequency of the sound. Returns ------- out : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> hp = ITDShift(sig=noise, f1=500, f2=600, ITD=5, channel='Left', fs=48000) #this generates a Dichotic Pitch """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) fftPoints = 2**nextpow2(nSamples) snd = zeros((nSamples, 2)) nUniquePnts = ceil((fftPoints+1)/2) #compute the frequencies of the first half of the FFT freqArray1 = arange(0, nUniquePnts, 1) * (fs / fftPoints) #remove DC offset and nyquist for the second half of the FFT freqArray2 = -arange(1, (nUniquePnts-1), 1)[::-1] * (fs / fftPoints) #find the indexes of the frequencies for which to set the ITD for the first half of the FFT sh1 = where((freqArray1>f1) & (freqArray1<f2)) #same as above for the second half of the FFT sh2 = where((freqArray2<-f1) & (freqArray2>-f2)) #compute IPSs for the first half of the FFT phaseShiftArray1 = itdtoipd(ITD/1000000, freqArray1[sh1]) #same as above for the second half of the FFT phaseShiftArray2 = itdtoipd(ITD/1000000, freqArray2[sh2]) #get the indexes of the first half of the FFT p1Start = 0; p1End = len(freqArray1) #get the indexes of the second half of the FFT p2Start = len(freqArray1); p2End = fftPoints if channel == "Left": x = fft(sig[:,0], fftPoints) elif channel == "Right": x = fft(sig[:,1], fftPoints) else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must either 'Right', or 'Left'") x1 = x[p1Start:p1End] #first half of the FFT x2 = x[p2Start:p2End] #second half of the FFT x1mag = abs(x1); x2mag = abs(x2) x1Phase = angle(x1); x2Phase = angle(x2); x1Phase[sh1] = x1Phase[sh1] + phaseShiftArray1 #change phases x2Phase[sh2] = x2Phase[sh2] + phaseShiftArray2 x1 = x1mag * (cos(x1Phase) + (1j * sin(x1Phase))) #rebuild FFTs x2 = x2mag * (cos(x2Phase) + (1j * sin(x2Phase))) x = concatenate((x1, x2)) x = real(ifft(x)) #inverse transform to get the sound back if channel == "Left": snd[:,0] = x[0:nSamples] snd[:,1] = sig[:,1] elif channel == "Right": snd[:,1] = x[0:nSamples] snd[:,0] = sig[:,0] return snd
[docs]def itdtoipd(itd, freq): """ Convert an interaural time difference to an equivalent interaural phase difference for a given frequency. Parameters ---------- itd : float Interaural time difference in seconds. freq : float Frequency in hertz. Returns ------- ipd : float Examples -------- >>> itd = 300 #microseconds >>> itd = 300/1000000 #convert to seconds >>> itdtoipd(itd=itd, freq=1000) """ ipd = (itd / (1/asarray(freq))) * 2 * pi return ipd
[docs]def joinSndISI(sndList, ISIList, fs): """ Join a list of sounds with given interstimulus intervals Parameters ---------- sndList : list of arrays The sounds to be joined. ISIList : list of floats The interstimulus intervals between the sounds in milliseconds. This list should have one element less than the sndList. fs : int Sampling frequency of the sounds in Hz. Returns ------- snd : array of floats Examples -------- >>> pt1 = pureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> pt2 = pureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> tone_seq = joinSndISI([pt1, pt2], [500], 48000) """ snd = sndList[0] for i in range(len(sndList)-1): if ISIList[i] >= 0: thisSilence = makeSilence(ISIList[i], fs) snd = concatenate((snd, thisSilence), axis=0) snd = concatenate((snd, sndList[i+1]), axis=0) else: delay = (snd.shape[0]/fs)*1000 + ISIList[i] snd = addSounds(snd, sndList[i+1], delay, fs) return snd
[docs]def makeAsynchChord(freqs, levels, phases, tonesDuration, tonesRamps, tonesChannel, SOA, fs, maxLevel): """ Generate an asynchronous chord. This function will add a set of pure tones with a given stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). The temporal order of the successive tones is random. Parameters ---------- freqs : array or list of floats. Frequencies of the chord components in hertz. levels : array or list of floats. Level of each chord component in dB SPL. phases : array or list of floats. Starting phase of each chord component. tonesDuration : float Duration of the tones composing the chord in milliseconds. All tones have the same duration. tonesRamps : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the tones will be tonesDuration+ramp*2. tonesChannel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tones will be generated. SOA : float Onset asynchrony between the chord components. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> freqs = [250, 500, 1000] >>> levels = [50, 50, 50] >>> phases = [0, 0, 0] >>> c1 = makeAsynchChord(freqs=freqs, levels=levels, phases=phases, tonesDuration=180, tonesRamps=10, tonesChannel='Both', SOA=60, fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ seq = numpy.arange(len(freqs)) numpy.random.shuffle(seq) for i in range(len(freqs)): thisFreq = freqs[seq[i]]; thisLev = levels[seq[i]]; thisPhase = phases[seq[i]] thisTone = pureTone(thisFreq, thisPhase, thisLev, tonesDuration, tonesRamps, tonesChannel, fs, maxLevel) if i == 0: snd = thisTone else: snd = addSounds(snd, thisTone, SOA*i, fs) return snd
[docs]def makeHugginsPitch(F0=300, lowHarm=1, highHarm=3, spectrumLevel=45, bandwidth=100, bandwidthUnit="Hz", dichoticDifference="IPD Stepped", dichoticDifferenceValue=pi, phaseRelationship="NoSpi", stretch=0, noiseType="White", duration=480, ramp=10, fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a complex Huggings Pitch. Parameters ---------- F0 : float The centre frequency of the F0 of the complex in hertz. lowHarm : int Lowest harmonic component number. highHarm : int Highest harmonic component number. spectrumLevel : float The spectrum level of the noise from which the Huggins pitch is derived in dB SPL. If 'noiseType' is 'Pink', the spectrum level will be equal to 'spectrumLevel' at 1 kHz. bandwidth : float Bandwidth of the frequency regions in which the phase transitions occurr. bandwidthUnit : string ('Hz', 'Cent', 'ERB') Defines whether the bandwith of the decorrelated bands is expressed in hertz (Hz), cents (Cent), or equivalent rectangular bandwidths (ERB). dichoticDifference : string ('IPD Linear', 'IPD Stepped', 'IPD Random', 'ITD') Selects whether the decorrelation in the target regions will be achieved by applying a costant interaural phase shift (IPD), an costant interaural time difference (ITD), or a random IPD shift. dichoticDifferenceValue : float For 'IPD Linear' this is the phase difference between the start and the end of each transition region, in radians. For 'IPD Stepped', this is the phase offset, in radians, between the correlated and the uncorrelated regions. For 'ITD' this is the ITD in the transition region, in micro seconds. For 'Random Phase', the range of phase shift randomization in the uncorrelated regions. phaseRelationship : string ('NoSpi' or 'NpiSo') If NoSpi, the phase of the regions within each frequency band will be shifted. If NpiSo, the phase of the regions between each frequency band will be shifted. stretch : float Harmonic stretch in %F0. Increase each harmonic frequency by a fixed value that is equal to (F0*stretch)/100. If 'stretch' is different than zero, an inhanmonic complex tone will be generated. noiseType : string ('White' or 'Pink') The type of noise used to derive the Huggins Pitch. duration : float Complex duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). References ---------- .. [CH] Cramer, E. M., & Huggins, W. H. (1958). Creation of Pitch through Binaural Interaction. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 30(5), 413. .. [AS] Akeroyd, M. A., & Summerfield, a Q. (2000). The lateralization of simple dichotic pitches. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 108(1), 316–334. .. [ZH] Zhang, P. X., & Hartmann, W. M. (2008). Lateralization of Huggins pitch. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 124(6), 3873–87. Examples -------- >>> hp = makeHugginsPitch(F0=300, lowHarm=1, highHarm=3, spectrumLevel=45, bandwidth=100, bandwidthUnit='Hz', dichoticDifference='IPD Stepped', dichoticDifferenceValue=pi, phaseRelationship='NoSpi', stretch=0, noiseType='White', duration=380, ramp=10, fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ if bandwidthUnit not in ["Hz", "Cent", "ERB"]: raise ValueError("Invalid 'bandwidthUnit' argument. 'bandwidthUnit' must be one of 'Hz', 'Cent', 'ERB'") stretchHz = (F0*stretch)/100 sDuration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec sRamp = ramp / 1000 totDur = sDuration + (2 * sRamp) nSamples = int(round(sDuration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(sRamp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) tone = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel, duration+(ramp*2), 0, "Both", fs, maxLevel) if noiseType == "Pink": makePink(tone, fs) cfs = arange(lowHarm, highHarm+1)*F0 #center frequencies cfs = cfs + stretchHz if phaseRelationship == "NoSpi": if bandwidthUnit == "Hz": shiftLo = cfs - (bandwidth/2) shiftHi = cfs + (bandwidth/2) elif bandwidthUnit == "Cent": shiftLo = cfs*2**(-(bandwidth/2)/1200) shiftHi = cfs*2**((bandwidth/2)/1200) elif bandwidthUnit == "ERB": shiftLo = freqFromERBInterval(cfs, -bandwidth/2) shiftHi = freqFromERBInterval(cfs, bandwidth/2) elif phaseRelationship == "NpiSo": nHarms = len(cfs) shiftLo = zeros(nHarms+1) shiftHi = zeros(nHarms+1) shiftLo[0] = 10 shiftHi[len(shiftHi)-1] = fs/2 if bandwidthUnit == "Hz": shiftLo[1:len(shiftLo)] = cfs + (bandwidth/2) shiftHi[0:len(shiftHi)-1] = cfs - (bandwidth/2) elif bandwidthUnit == "Cent": shiftLo[1:len(shiftLo)] = cfs*2**((bandwidth/2)/1200) shiftHi[0:len(shiftHi)-1] = cfs*2**((bandwidth/2)/1200) elif bandwidthUnit == "ERB": shiftLo[1:len(shiftLo)] = freqFromERBInterval(cfs, bandwidth/2) shiftHi[0:len(shiftHi)-1] = freqFromERBInterval(cfs, -bandwidth/2) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'phaseRelationship' argument. 'phaseRelationship' must be either 'NoSpi', or 'NpiSo'") for i in range(len(shiftLo)): if dichoticDifference == "IPD Linear": tone = phaseShift(tone, shiftLo[i], shiftHi[i], dichoticDifferenceValue, 'Linear', "Left", fs) elif dichoticDifference == "IPD Stepped": tone = phaseShift(tone, shiftLo[i], shiftHi[i], dichoticDifferenceValue, 'Step', "Left", fs) elif dichoticDifference == "IPD Random": tone = phaseShift(tone, shiftLo[i], shiftHi[i], dichoticDifferenceValue, 'Random', "Left", fs) elif dichoticDifference == "ITD": tone = ITDShift(tone, shiftLo[i], shiftHi[i], dichoticDifferenceValue, "Left", fs) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'dichoticDifference' argument. 'dichoticDifference' must be one of 'IPD Linear, 'IPD Stepped', 'IPD Random', or 'ITD'") tone = gate(ramp, tone, fs) snd = tone return snd
[docs]def makeIRN(delay=1/440, gain=1, iterations=6, configuration="Add Same", spectrumLevel=25, duration=280, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a iterated rippled noise Parameters ---------- delay : float delay in seconds gain : float The gain to apply to the delayed signal iterations : int The number of iterations of the delay-add cycle configuration : string If 'Add Same', the output of iteration N-1 is added to delayed signal of the current iteration. If 'Add Original', the original signal is added to delayed signal of the current iteration. spectrumLevel : float Intensity spectrum level of the noise in dB SPL. duration : float Noise duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left', 'Both', or 'Dichotic') Channel in which the noise will be generated. fs : int Sampling frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> irn = makeIRN(delay=1/440, gain=1, iterations=6, configuration='Add Same', spectrumLevel=25, duration=280, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=101) """ snd = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel, duration+(ramp*2), 0, channel, fs, maxLevel) if configuration == "Add Same": snd = delayAdd(snd, delay, gain, iterations, configuration, fs) elif configuration == "Add Original": snd = delayAdd(snd, delay, gain, iterations, configuration, fs) else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'configuration' argument. 'configuration' must be one of 'Add Same', or 'Add Original'") snd = gate(ramp, snd, fs) return snd
[docs]def makePink(sig, fs): """ Convert a white noise into a pink noise. The spectrum level of the pink noise at 1000 Hz will be equal to the spectrum level of the white noise input to the function. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The white noise to be turned into a pink noise. fs : int Sampling frequency of the sound. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> noise = makePink(sig=noise, fs=48000) """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) if nSamples < 2: pass else: ref = 1 + (1000 * nSamples/fs) x = rfft(sig[:,0], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref/idx) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig0 = irfft(x, nSamples) x = rfft(sig[:,1], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref/idx) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig1 = irfft(x, nSamples) sig[:, 0] = sig0 sig[:, 1] = sig1 return sig
[docs]def makeBlueRef(sig, fs, refHz): """ Convert a white noise into a blue noise. The spectrum level of the blue noise at the frequency 'refHz' will be equal to the spectrum level of the white noise input to the function. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The white noise to be turned into a blue noise. fs : int Sampling frequency of the sound. refHz : int Reference frequency in Hz. The amplitude of the other frequencies will be scaled with respect to the amplitude of this frequency. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> noise = makeBlueRef(sig=noise, fs=48000, refHz=1000) """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) ref = 1 + (refHz * nSamples/fs) x = rfft(sig[:,0], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref*idx) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig0 = irfft(x, nSamples) x = rfft(sig[:,1], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref*idx) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig1 = irfft(x, nSamples) sig[:, 0] = sig0 sig[:, 1] = sig1 return sig
[docs]def makePinkRef(sig, fs, refHz): """ Convert a white noise into a pink noise. The spectrum level of the pink noise at the frequency 'refHz' will be equal to the spectrum level of the white noise input to the function. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The white noise to be turned into a pink noise. fs : int Sampling frequency of the sound. refHz : int Reference frequency in Hz. The amplitude of the other frequencies will be scaled with respect to the amplitude of this frequency. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> noise = makePinkRef(sig=noise, fs=48000, refHz=1000) """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) ref = 1 + (refHz * nSamples/fs) x = rfft(sig[:,0], nSamples, axis=0) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref/idx) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig0 = irfft(x, nSamples, axis=0) x = rfft(sig[:,1], nSamples, axis=0) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref/idx) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig1 = irfft(x, nSamples, axis=0) sig[:, 0] = sig0 sig[:, 1] = sig1 return sig
[docs]def makeRedRef(sig, fs, refHz): """ Convert a white noise into a red noise. The spectrum level of the red noise at the frequency 'refHz' will be equal to the spectrum level of the white noise input to the function. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The white noise to be turned into a red noise. fs : int Sampling frequency of the sound. refHz : int Reference frequency in Hz. The amplitude of the other frequencies will be scaled with respect to the amplitude of this frequency. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> noise = makeRedRef(sig=noise, fs=48000, refHz=1000) """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) ref = 1 + (refHz * nSamples/fs) x = rfft(sig[:,0], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref/(idx**2)) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig0 = irfft(x, nSamples) x = rfft(sig[:,1], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref/(idx**2)) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig1 = irfft(x, nSamples) sig[:, 0] = sig0 sig[:, 1] = sig1 return sig
[docs]def makeVioletRef(sig, fs, refHz): """ Convert a white noise into a violet noise. The spectrum level of the violet noise at the frequency 'refHz' will be equal to the spectrum level of the white noise input to the function. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats The white noise to be turned into a violet noise. fs : int Sampling frequency of the sound. refHz : int Reference frequency in Hz. The amplitude of the other frequencies will be scaled with respect to the amplitude of this frequency. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> noise = makeVioletRef(sig=noise, fs=48000, refHz=1000) """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) ref = 1 + (refHz * nSamples/fs) x = rfft(sig[:,0], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref*(idx**2)) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig0 = irfft(x, nSamples) x = rfft(sig[:,1], nSamples) idx = arange(1, len(x)) mag = zeros(len(x)) mag[1:len(x)] = abs(x[1:len(x)]) * sqrt(ref*(idx**2)) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig1 = irfft(x, nSamples) sig[:, 0] = sig0 sig[:, 1] = sig1 return sig
[docs]def makeSilence(duration=1000, fs=48000): """ Generate a silence. This function just fills an array with zeros for the desired duration. Parameters ---------- duration : float Duration of the silence in milliseconds. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> sil = makeSilence(duration=200, fs=48000) """ #duration in ms duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) snd = zeros((nSamples, 2)) return snd
[docs]def nextpow2(x): """ Next power of two. Parameters ---------- x : int Base number. Returns ------- out : float The power to which 2 should be raised. Examples -------- >>> nextpow2(511) 9 >>> 2**9 512 """ out = int(ceil(log2(x))) return out
#def nextpow2(i): # n = 2 # while n < i: # n = n * 2 # return n
[docs]def phaseShift(sig, f1, f2, phaseShift, phaseShiftType, channel, fs): """ Shift the interaural phases of a sound within a given frequency region. Parameters ---------- sig : array of floats Input signal. f1 : float The start point of the frequency region to be phase-shifted in hertz. f2 : float The end point of the frequency region to be phase-shifted in hertz. phaseShift : float The amount of phase shift in radians. phaseShiftType : string ('Linear', 'Step', 'Random') If 'Linear' the phase changes progressively on a linear Hz scale from X to X+'phaseShift' from f1 to f2. If 'Stepped' 'phaseShift' is added as a constant to the phases from f1 to f2. If 'Random' a random phase shift from 0 to 'phaseShift' is added to each frequency component from f1 to f2. channel : string (one of 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both') The channel in which to apply the phase shift. fs : float The sampling frequency of the sound. Returns ------- out : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> hp = phaseShift(sig=noise, f1=500, f2=600, phaseShift=3.14, phaseShiftType='Linear', channel='Left', fs=48000) #this generates a Dichotic Pitch """ nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) fftPoints = 2**nextpow2(nSamples) snd = zeros((nSamples, 2)) nUniquePnts = ceil((fftPoints+1)/2) freqArray1 = arange(0, nUniquePnts, 1) * (fs / fftPoints) freqArray2 = -arange(1, (nUniquePnts-1), 1)[::-1] * (fs / fftPoints) #remove DC offset and nyquist sh1 = where((freqArray1>f1) & (freqArray1<f2)) sh2 = where((freqArray2<-f1) & (freqArray2>-f2)) p1Start = 0; p1End = len(freqArray1) p2Start = len(freqArray1); p2End = fftPoints if phaseShiftType == "Linear": phaseShiftArray1 = linspace(0, phaseShift, len(sh1)) phaseShiftArray2 = - linspace(phaseShift, 0, len(sh2)) elif phaseShiftType == "Step": phaseShiftArray1 = repeat(phaseShift, len(sh1)) phaseShiftArray2 = - repeat(phaseShift, len(sh1)) elif phaseShiftType == "Random": phaseShiftArray1 = numpy.random.uniform(0, phaseShift, len(sh1)) phaseShiftArray2 = -phaseShiftArray1[::-1] else: raise ValueError("Invalid 'phaseShiftType' argument. 'phaseShiftType' must be one of 'Linear', 'Step', or 'Random'") if channel == "Left": x = fft(sig[:,0], fftPoints) x1 = x[p1Start:p1End] x2 = x[p2Start:p2End] x1mag = abs(x1); x2mag = abs(x2) x1Phase = angle(x1); x2Phase = angle(x2); x1Phase[sh1] = x1Phase[sh1] + phaseShiftArray1 x2Phase[sh2] = x2Phase[sh2] + phaseShiftArray2 x1 = x1mag * (cos(x1Phase) + (1j * sin(x1Phase))) x2 = x2mag * (cos(x2Phase) + (1j * sin(x2Phase))) x = concatenate((x1, x2)) x = real(ifft(x)) snd[:,0] = x[0:nSamples] snd[:,1] = sig[:,1] elif channel == "Right": x = fft(sig[:,1], fftPoints) x1 = x[p1Start:p1End] x2 = x[p2Start:p2End] x1mag = abs(x1); x2mag = abs(x2) x1Phase = angle(x1); x2Phase = angle(x2); x1Phase[sh1] = x1Phase[sh1] + phaseShiftArray1 x2Phase[sh2] = x2Phase[sh2] + phaseShiftArray2 x1 = x1mag * (cos(x1Phase) + (1j * sin(x1Phase))) x2 = x2mag * (cos(x2Phase) + (1j * sin(x2Phase))) x = concatenate((x1, x2)) x = real(ifft(x)) snd[:,1] = x[0:nSamples] snd[:,0] = sig[:,0] elif channel == "Both": x = fft(sig[:,0], fftPoints) x1 = x[p1Start:p1End] x2 = x[p2Start:p2End] x1mag = abs(x1); x2mag = abs(x2) x1Phase = angle(x1); x2Phase = angle(x2); x1Phase[sh1] = x1Phase[sh1] + phaseShiftArray1 x2Phase[sh2] = x2Phase[sh2] + phaseShiftArray2 x1 = x1mag * (cos(x1Phase) + (1j * sin(x1Phase))) x2 = x2mag * (cos(x2Phase) + (1j * sin(x2Phase))) x = concatenate((x1, x2)) x = real(ifft(x)) snd[:,0] = x[0:nSamples] x = fft(sig[:,1], fftPoints) x1 = x[p1Start:p1End] x2 = x[p2Start:p2End] x1mag = abs(x1); x2mag = abs(x2) x1Phase = angle(x1); x2Phase = angle(x2); x1Phase[sh1] = x1Phase[sh1] + phaseShiftArray1 x2Phase[sh2] = x2Phase[sh2] + phaseShiftArray2 x1 = x1mag * (cos(x1Phase) + (1j * sin(x1Phase))) x2 = x2mag * (cos(x2Phase) + (1j * sin(x2Phase))) x = concatenate((x1, x2)) x = real(ifft(x)) snd[:,1] = x[0:nSamples] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def pinkNoiseFromSin(compLevel=23, lowCmp=100, highCmp=1000, spacing=20, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a pink noise by adding sinusoids spaced by a fixed interval in cents. Parameters ---------- compLevel : float Level of each sinusoidal component in dB SPL. lowCmp : float Frequency of the lowest noise component in hertz. highCmp : float Frequency of the highest noise component in hertz. spacing : float Spacing between the frequencies of the sinusoidal components in hertz. duration : float Noise duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the noise will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = pinkNoiseFromSin(compLevel=23, lowCmp=100, highCmp=1000, spacing=20, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ sDuration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec sRamp = ramp / 1000 totDur = sDuration + (2 * sRamp) nSamples = int(round(sDuration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(sRamp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) noisBandwidth = 1200*log2(highCmp/lowCmp) #in cents nComponents = int(floor(noisBandwidth/spacing)) amp = 10**((compLevel - maxLevel) / 20) freqs = zeros(nComponents) freqs[0] = lowCmp for i in range(1, nComponents): #indexing starts from 1 freqs[i] = freqs[i-1]*(2**(spacing/1200.)) phasesR = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2*pi, nComponents) sinArray = zeros((nComponents, nTot)) for i in range(0, nComponents): sinArray[i,] = amp* sin(2*pi*freqs[i] * timeAll + phasesR[i]) if channel == "Right": snd[:,1] = sum(sinArray,0) elif channel == "Left": snd[:,0] = sum(sinArray,0) elif channel == "Both": snd[:,1] = sum(sinArray,0) snd[:,0] = snd[:,1] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") snd = gate(ramp, snd, fs) return snd
[docs]def pinkNoiseFromSin2(compLevel=23, lowCmp=100, highCmp=1000, spacing=20, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a pink noise by adding sinusoids spaced by a fixed interval in cents. This function should produce the same output of pinkNoiseFromSin, it simply uses a different algorithm that uses matrix operations instead of a for loop. It doesn't seem to be much faster though. Parameters ---------- compLevel : float Level of each sinusoidal component in dB SPL. lowCmp : float Frequency of the lowest noise component in hertz. highCmp : float Frequency of the highest noise component in hertz. spacing : float Spacing between the frequencies of the sinusoidal components in hertz. duration : float Noise duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the noise will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> noise = pinkNoiseFromSin2(compLevel=23, lowCmp=100, highCmp=1000, spacing=20, duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ sDuration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec sRamp = ramp / 1000 totDur = sDuration + (2 * sRamp) nSamples = int(round(sDuration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(sRamp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) noisBandwidth = 1200*log2(highCmp/lowCmp) #in cents nComponents = int(floor(noisBandwidth/spacing)) amp = 10**((compLevel - maxLevel) / 20) freqs = zeros((nComponents,1)) freqs[0] = lowCmp for i in range(1, nComponents): #indexing starts from 1 freqs[i] = freqs[i-1]*(2**(spacing/1200.)) #freqs = freqs.reshape(nComponents,1) phasesR = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2*pi, (nComponents,1)) #phasesR = phasesR.reshape(nComponents,1) sinMatrix = zeros((nComponents, nTot)) timeMatrix = zeros((nComponents, nTot)) timeMatrix[:] = timeAll #for i in range(0, nComponents): # sinMatrix[i,] = amp* sin(2*pi*freqs[i] * timeAll + phasesR[i]) sinMatrix = amp*sin(2*pi*freqs*timeMatrix+phasesR) if channel == "Right": snd[:,1] = sum(sinMatrix,0) elif channel == "Left": snd[:,0] = sum(sinMatrix,0) elif channel == "Both": snd[:,1] = sum(sinMatrix,0) snd[:,0] = snd[:,1] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") snd = gate(ramp, snd, fs) return snd
[docs]def pureTone(frequency=1000, phase=0, level=60, duration=980, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise a pure tone. Parameters ---------- frequency : float Tone frequency in hertz. phase : float Starting phase in radians. level : float Tone level in dB SPL. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> pt = pureTone(frequency=440, phase=0, level=65, duration=180, ... ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> pt.shape (9600, 2) """ amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) duration = duration / 1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp / 1000 nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase) elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase) elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[0:nRamp] + phase) snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp* sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] + phase) snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * sin(2*pi*frequency * timeAll[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] + phase) snd[:, 1] = snd[:, 0] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must one of 'Right', 'Left', or 'Both'") return snd
[docs]def scale(level, sig): """ Increase or decrease the amplitude of a sound signal. Parameters ---------- level : float Desired increment or decrement in dB SPL. signal : array of floats Signal to scale. Returns ------- sig : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> noise = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> noise = scale(level=-10, sig=noise) #reduce level by 10 dB """ #10**(level/20) is the amplitude corresponding to level #by multiplying the amplitudes we're adding the decibels # 20*log10(a1*a2) = 20*log10(a1) + 20*log10(a2) sig = sig * 10**(level/20) return sig
[docs]def setLevel_(level, snd, maxLevel, channel="Both"): """ Set the RMS level of a sound signal to a given value. Parameters ---------- level : float The desired RMS level of the signal in dB SPL. snd : array of floats Signal whose level is to be set. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the level will be set. Returns ------- sig : 2-dimensional array of floats Examples -------- >>> import copy >>> pt = pureTone(frequency=1000, phase=0, level=60, duration=100, ... ramp=0, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=100) >>> pt2 = copy.copy(pt) #this function modifies the argument so make a copy! >>> pt2 = setLevel_(level=40, snd=pt2, maxLevel=100, channel="Both") #set spectrum level to 20 dB SPL >>> levDiff = 20*log10(getRMS(pt)[1]/getRMS(pt2)[1]) """ if channel == "Both": chans = [0,1] if channel == "Right": chans = [1] elif channel == "Left": chans = [0] for ch in range(len(chans)): i = chans[ch] currAmplitude = sqrt(mean(snd[:,i]*snd[:,i]))*sqrt(2) currLevel = 20*log10(currAmplitude)+maxLevel snd[:,i] = snd[:,i] * 10**((level-currLevel)/20) return snd
[docs]def spectralModNoise(spectrumLevel=25, duration=980, ramp=10, modAmp=10, modFreq=1, phase="Random", channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Generate a broadband noise with a modulated spectral envelope. The modulation is sinuisoidal on a log2 frequency, and logarithmic amplitude (dB) scale. Parameters ---------- spectrumLevel : float Intensity spectrum level of the noise in dB SPL (before modulation). Note that the shaped noise is scaled after shaping so as to have the same overall RMS level than the noise before shaping. duration : float Noise duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. modAmp: float Modulation amplitude (peak-to-trough difference) in dB. modFreq: float Modulation frequency in cycles-per-octave modPhase: string Starting modulation phase channel : string ("Right", "Left", "Both", or "Dichotic") Channel in which the noise will be generated. If 'Both' the same noise will be generated in both channels. If 'Dichotic' the noise will be independent at the two ears. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- sig : 2-dimensional array of floats References ---------- Andéol, G., Macpherson, E. A., & Sabin, A. T. (2013). Sound localization in noise and sensitivity to spectral shape. Hearing Research, 304, 20–27. Eddins, D. A., & Bero, E. M. (2007). Spectral modulation detection as a function of modulation frequency, carrier bandwidth, and carrier frequency region. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(1), 363–372. Litvak, L. M., Spahr, A. J., Saoji, A. A., & Fridman, G. Y. (2007). Relationship between perception of spectral ripple and speech recognition in cochlear implant and vocoder listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(2), 982–991. Examples -------- >>> noise = spectralModNoise(spectrumLevel=40, duration=180, ramp=10, ... modAmp=10, modFreq=2, phase="Random", ... channel='Both', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ sig = broadbandNoise(spectrumLevel=spectrumLevel, duration=duration, ramp=ramp, channel=channel, fs=fs, maxLevel=100) noiseRMS = getRMS(sig, 'each') nSamples = len(sig[:,0]) nUniquePts = int(ceil((nSamples+1)/2.0)) freqArray = arange(0, nUniquePts, 1.0) * (fs / nSamples); nFreqs = freqArray.shape[0] mod_wave_dB = zeros(nFreqs) if phase == "Random": st_phase = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2*pi) elif phase == "Sine": st_phase = 0 elif phase == "Cosine": st_phase = pi/2 mod_wave_dB[1:nFreqs] = modAmp*0.5*sin(2*pi*log2(freqArray[1:nFreqs])*modFreq+st_phase) ## left chan if channel in ["Left", "Both"]: x = rfft(sig[:,0], nSamples) lenx = len(x) mag = zeros(lenx) mag[1:lenx] = abs(x[1:lenx]) * 10**(mod_wave_dB[1:lenx]/20) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig0 = irfft(x, nSamples) sig[:, 0] = sig0 noiseShapedRMS = getRMS(sig, 'each') sig[:,0] = scale(level=20*log10(noiseRMS[0]/noiseShapedRMS[0]), sig=sig[:,0]) ## right chan if channel in ["Right", "Both"]: x = rfft(sig[:,1], nSamples) lenx = len(x) mag = zeros(lenx) mag[1:lenx] = abs(x[1:lenx]) * 10**(mod_wave_dB[1:lenx]/20) mag[0] = abs(x[0]) ph = angle(x) x = mag * (cos(ph) + 1j * sin(ph)) sig1 = irfft(x, nSamples) sig[:, 1] = sig1 noiseShapedRMS = getRMS(sig, 'each') sig[:,1] = scale(level=20*log10(noiseRMS[1]/noiseShapedRMS[1]), sig=sig[:,1]) return sig
[docs]def steepNoise(frequency1=440, frequency2=660, level=60, duration=180, ramp=10, channel="Both", fs=48000, maxLevel=101): """ Synthetise band-limited noise from the addition of random-phase sinusoids. Parameters ---------- frequency1 : float Start frequency of the noise. frequency2 : float End frequency of the noise. level : float Noise spectrum level. duration : float Tone duration (excluding ramps) in milliseconds. ramp : float Duration of the onset and offset ramps in milliseconds. The total duration of the sound will be duration+ramp*2. channel : string ('Right', 'Left' or 'Both') Channel in which the tone will be generated. fs : int Samplig frequency in Hz. maxLevel : float Level in dB SPL output by the soundcard for a sinusoid of amplitude 1. Returns ------- snd : 2-dimensional array of floats The array has dimensions (nSamples, 2). Examples -------- >>> nbNoise = steepNoise(frequency1=440, frequency2=660, level=65, ... duration=180, ramp=10, channel='Right', fs=48000, maxLevel=100) """ if channel not in ["Right", "Left", "Both"]: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both'") duration = duration/1000 #convert from ms to sec ramp = ramp/1000 totDur = duration + (2 * ramp) nSamples = int(round(duration * fs)) nRamp = int(round(ramp * fs)) nTot = nSamples + (nRamp * 2) spacing = 1 / totDur components = 1 + floor((frequency2 - frequency1) / spacing) amp = 10**((level - maxLevel) / 20) * sqrt((frequency2 - frequency1) / components) timeAll = arange(0, nTot) / fs timeRamp = arange(0, nRamp) snd = zeros((nTot, 2)) noise= zeros(nTot) for f in arange(frequency1, frequency2+spacing, spacing): radFreq = 2 * pi * f phase = numpy.random.random(1) * 2 * pi noise = noise + sin(phase + (radFreq * timeAll)) if channel == "Right": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Left": snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] elif channel == "Both": snd[0:nRamp, 1] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 1] = amp * noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 1] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] snd[0:nRamp, 0] = amp * ((1-cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[0:nRamp] snd[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples, 0] = amp * noise[nRamp:nRamp+nSamples] snd[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll), 0] = amp * ((1+cos(pi * timeRamp/nRamp))/2) * noise[nRamp+nSamples:len(timeAll)] else: raise ValueError("Invalid channel argument. Channel must be one of 'Right', 'Left' or 'Both'") return snd