Result Files

pychoacoustics outputs several types of result files, these are listed in Table List of result files produced by pychoacoustics

List of result files produced by pychoacoustics
Type Example Formatting Suffix
Block summary myres.txt Plain “.txt”
Trial summary myres_trial.txt Plain “_trial.txt”
Session Summary myres_sess.txt Plain “_sess.txt”
Tabular Block Summary myres_table.csv Tabular “_table.csv”
Tabular Trial Summary myres_table_trial.csv Tabular “_table_trial.csv”
Tabular Session Summary myres_table_sess.csv Tabular “_table_sess.csv”

there are both “plain text” and “tabular” versions of result files. The plain text version stores along with the results each parameter that was used during the experiment. The tabular result files on the other hand store a smaller number of parameters, although additional parameters can be stored if the experimenter wishes to do so (see Tabular Results Files). An important advantage of tabular result files is that they are easy to import in other software (e.g. R, Libreoffice Calc) for data analysis.

The plain-text “block-summary” and tabular “block-summary” result files contain summaries for each experimental block that was run. The plain-text “trial-summary” and tabular “trial-summary” result files instead contain information on each single trial. The “block-summary” result files (either in plain or tabular format) can be usually processed to obtain “session-summary” files. The “session-summary” files contain summaries for an entire experimental session. In these files the results are averaged across different blocks that have exactly the same stored parameters.

In order to obtain the session-summary files you need to use the appropriate functions that can be accessed from the pychoacoustics “File” menu. Alternatively, you can check the “Proc. Res.” and “Proc. Res. Table” checkboxes in the control window (see General Widgets (left panel)) to let pychoacoustics automatically process these files at the end of an experimental session. If processing the result files manually, choose “Process Results (Plain Text)” from the “File” menu, to convert a block-summary file into a session-summary file. Choose “Process Results Table” to convert a tabular block-summary file into a tabular session summary file. You can choose to process all blocks present in the file (default action), the last \(n\) blocks (of each condition), or a range of blocks (for each condition). Once you have selected the file to process and specified the blocks to process you can click “Run!” to perform the processing. The functions that process the block-summary files also allow you to plot the results. Please, note that both the ability to process the block-summary files and plot the results are not available for all paradigms. A list of the result files processing and plotting facilities available for each paradigm is given in Table Process results and plot facilities for various paradigms

Process results and plot facilities for various paradigms
Procedure Proc. Res. Proc. Res. Table Plot
Constant 1-Interval 2-Alternatives Yes Yes Yes
Constant 1-Pair Same/Different Yes Yes Yes
Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Constants ABX Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Constants 1-Interval 2-Alternatives Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same/Different Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Constants Odd One Out No Yes No
Multiple Constants Sound Comparison No No No
PEST Yes Yes Yes
PSI No No No
Transformed Up-Down Yes Yes Yes
Transformed Up-Down Interleaved Yes Yes Yes
UML No No No
Weighted Up-Down Yes Yes Yes
Weighted Up-Down Interleaved Yes Yes Yes

Tabular Results Files

The tabular results files are comma separated value (CSV) text files that can be opened in a text file editor or a spreadsheet application. The separator used by default is the semicolon “;”, but another separator can be specified in the pychoacoustics preferences window. When processing block-summary table files, make sure that the csv separator in the “Process Results Table” window matches the separator used in the file.

The tabular result files contain three sets of columns:

  • paradigm-specific columns (e.g. threshold estimate, for the transformed up-down procedure, or d’ for the constant 1-pair same/different procedure). The columns that are specific to each paradigm will be described in Section Result Files by Paradigm
  • fixed columns that are common to all paradigms (e.g. date and time at which a block of trials started). Among these columns there is a “condition” column, where the “condition label” is written (see General Widgets (left panel)). It is a good practice to assign a condition label as it makes it easy to sort the results as a function of the experimental condition.
  • additional user-defined columns specific to each experiment

The way in which these additional user-defined columns are stored is as follows: Several text fields and choosers in pychoacoustics have what we will call inSummary check boxes. Some of these are shown marked by ellipses in Figure inSummary check boxes.

``inSummary`` check boxes

inSummary check boxes

In the example shown in Figure inSummary check boxes the frequency, level and ear parameters will be stored, each in a separate column, in the tabular block-summary file, while the parameters corresponding to the unchecked boxes (duration, ramps and type) will be not. This is useful if you are running an experiment in which you are systematically varying only a few parameters across different blocks, and want to keep track of only those parameters. The inSummary check boxes also provide visual landmarks for quickly spotting the widgets with your parameters of interest in pychoacoustics.

Notice that the “Process Results Table” function, as mentioned in the previous section, will average the results for blocks with the same parameters stored in the tabular block-summary file. This means that if you are varying a certain parameter (e.g., level) across blocks, but you don’t check the corresponding inSummary check box (for each block), the value of the parameter will not be stored in the tabular block-summary file, and as a consequence the “Process Results Table” function will not be able to sort the blocks according to the “level” parameter, and will average the results across all blocks. Not all is lost because the “level” parameter will be nonetheless stored in the “block-summary” plain-text file, but you will need more work before you can process your results with a statistical software package.

Figure Transformed up-down table block-summary result file shows a table block-summary result file from a transformed up-down procedure opened in Libreoffice Calc.

Transformed up-down table block-summary result file

Transformed up-down table block-summary result file

the first two columns (“threshold geometric”, and “SD”) are specific to the transformed up-down procedure. The set of fixed columns that are common to all paradigms is described below:

  • condition the the “condition label” for the block (see General Widgets (left panel))
  • listener the listener identifier (see General Widgets (left panel))
  • session the session identifier (see General Widgets (left panel))
  • experimentLabel the label assigned to the current experiment (see General Widgets (left panel))
  • date the date (DD/MM/YYYY) at which the block started
  • time the time at which the block started
  • duration how long it took for the listener to complete the block, in seconds
  • block the block presentation position
  • experiment the name of the experiment that was run
  • paradigm the paradigm with which the experiment was run

The tabular trial-summary result files contain information on each single trial. For example for the transformed up-down paradigm they record the response (1 for correct, 0 for incorrect), and the value of the adaptive difference (the variable that is being varied adaptively to find its threshold). This trial by trial information can be used for various purposes, for example, it can be used to fit psychometric functions from the results of adaptive procedures.

The tabular result files contain four sets of columns:

  • paradigm-specific columns (e.g. threshold estimate, for the transformed up-down procedure, or d’ for the constant 1-pair same/different procedure). The columns that are specific to each paradigm will be described in Section Result Files by Paradigm
  • experiment-specific columns, for example a frequency discrimination task with roving frequency of the standard may store the value of the standard frequency on each trial
  • fixed columns that are common to all paradigms (e.g. date and time at which a block of trials started). Among these columns there is a “condition” column, where the “condition label” is written (see General Widgets (left panel)). It is a good practice to assign a condition label as it makes it easy to sort the results as a function of the experimental condition.
  • additional user-defined columns specific to each experiment


For the experiment-specific column in tabular trial-summary files, make reference to prm[‘additional_parameters_to_write’] when it will be explained in the writing your own experiments section

Plain-Text Result Files

The “block-summary” result and the “trial-summary” result files have a header for each experimental block. The start of the header is marked by a line of 54 asterixes, an example is given below:

pychoacoustics version: 0.2.73; build date: 01-Mar-2014 09:45
Experiment version: pychoacoustics.default_experiments.audiogram 0.2.73 01-Mar-2014 09:45
Block Number: 1
Block Position: 1
Start: 01/03/2014 14:07

the header gives info on the software version, the experiment version (if available), the block storage point (Block Number), the block presentation position (Block Position), and has a timestamp marking the date and time at which the block was started.

After the header, there is a “parameters section” listing the experimental parameters. The beginning and the end of this section are marked by a line of 54 plus signs, a snippet of the parameters section is shown below:


Experiment Label:
Session Label:
Condition Label:
Experiment:    Audiogram
Listener: L3
[ ... ]
Response Light Duration (ms): 500
ISI:           500

Ear: Right
Signal Type: Sinusoid
Frequency (Hz):  1000
Level (dB SPL):  50
Duration (ms):  180
Ramps (ms):  10

After the parameters section there is a “results section”. The specific structure of this section depends on the paradigm (e.g. transformed up-down, or constant 1-interval 2-alternatives) used. The specific structure of the result section for each type of procedure will be illustrated in Section Result Files by Paradigm. The results section of a block-summary result file will contain summary statistics for a whole block of trials, while the results section of a trial-summary result file will contain trial-by-trial information. Besides having paradigm-specific information, “trial-summary” result files may also have experiment specific information. For example for a frequency discrimination task with roving frequency of the standard, the trial-summary result file may store the value of the standard frequency on each trial. For both “block-summary”, and “trial-summary” result files the result section ends invariably with a timestamp marking the date and time at which the experimental block was completed, and a further line indicating how much time the listener took to complete the block of trials.


For the experiment-specific column in plain-text trial-summary result files, make reference to prm[‘additional_parameters_to_write’] when it will be explained in the writing your own experiments section

The “session-summary” result files have a section listing the parameters used for each experimental condition. After this section, a summary statistic for each block of the given experimental condition is presented, followed by a summary statistic for all the blocks. The specific structure of this result section for each type of procedure will be illustrated in Section Result Files by Paradigm.

Result Files by Paradigm

In this section the fields of result files that are specific to each paradigm will be described.

Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down)

The transformed up-down and weighted up-down tabular block-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • threshold_arithmetic or threshold_geometric the estimate of the threshold derived by averaging the final turnpoints of the adaptive track. Whether the column is named “threshold_arithmetic”, or “threshold_geometric” depends on whether the adaptive track followed a geometric, or an arithmetic procedure. For “threshold_arithmetic” the threshold estimate is the arithmetic mean of the turnpoints, for “threshold_geometric” the threshold estimate is the geometric mean of the turnpoints.
  • SD the standard deviation of the final turnpoints of the adaptive track. If the procedure is geometric the geometric standard deviation is calculated, otherwise the arithmetic standard deviation is calculated.

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down)

The transformed up-down and weighted up-down tabular trial-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • adaptive_difference the value of the adaptive difference, that is the variable that is being varied adaptively to find its threshold
  • response 1 if the response was correct, 0 otherwise

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down)

The transformed up-down and weighted up-down tabular session-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • threshold_arithmetic or threshold_geometric the arithmetic, or geometric average of the threshold estimates obtained in each block
  • SE the arithmetic or geometric standard error of the threshold estimates obtained in each block

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down)

The results section of a transformed up-down procedure are shown below (weighted up-down result files have the same structure):

42.00 62.00 58.00 66.00 | 60.00 64.00 58.00 62.00 54.00 56.00 50.00 52.00 |

turnpointMean = 57.00, s.d. =  4.90
B1 = 30, B2 = 22

the first line lists the turnpoints; the first | sign separates the initial turnpoints, which are not included in the threshold estimate, from the final turnpoints. The second line shows the threshold estimate (turnpointMean) which is obtained by averaging the final turnpoints, and the standard deviation of the turnpoints. The final line lists the number of times each button was pressed by the listener. In the above case the listener pressed button one 30 times and button two 22 times. This may be useful to detect any biases in the choice of interval. The results above were collected using an arithmetic procedure. When the results are obtained with a geometric procedure the second line of the results section labels the threshold estimate as geometric turnpointMean, as shown in the example below:

0.08  5.00  1.25 80.00 | 10.00 40.00 10.00 200.00 25.00 200.00  6.25 25.00 |

geometric turnpointMean = 29.82, s.d. =  3.75
B1 = 22, B2 = 40

and the threshold and standard deviation values are computed as geometric mean, and geometric standard deviation, respectively.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down)

A snippet from a transformed up-down trial-summary result file is shown below:

50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
46.0; 1;
46.0; 1;
42.0; 1;
42.0; 0;
46.0; 0;
50.0; 1;

each row represents a trial, the first colum shows the value of the adaptive difference for that trial (e.g. the level of the signal in a signal detection task), while the second column indicates whether the response was correct (1), or incorrect (0). Note that depending on the experiment, additional variables may be stored in a trial-summary result file. For example, in the F0DL experiment, which has an option to use either a fixed, or a roving F0, the F0 for the trial is listed in the third column of the trial-summary result file, as shown below:

20.0; 1; 408.58891957189206 ;
20.0; 1; 409.72312872085564 ;
5.0; 1; 474.15423804320403 ;
5.0; 1; 404.43567907073964 ;
1.25; 1; 456.6493420827598 ;
1.25; 1; 406.34270314673716 ;

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down)

The result section of a session-summary result file for a transformed up-down procedure is shown below:


Mean = 50.50
SE =  6.50

the session included two blocks of trials, and the first two lines list the threshold estimate for each of these blocks. The following lines present the mean and the standard error of these threshold estimates. If the procedure is arithmetic, the mean and the standard error are calculated as the arithmetic meand and the arithmetic standard error. If the procedure is geometric, the mean and the standard error are calculated as the geometric meand and the geometric standard error.

Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved)

For each adaptive track, the transformed up-down and weighted up-down interleaved tabular block-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • threshold_arithmetic_trackX or threshold_geometric_trackX the estimate of the threshold derived by averaging the final turnpoints of the adaptive track number X. Whether the column is named “threshold_arithmetic”, or “threshold_geometric” depends on whether the adaptive track followed a geometric, or an arithmetic procedure. For “threshold_arithmetic” the threshold estimate is the arithmetic mean of the turnpoints, for “threshold_geometric” the threshold estimate is the geometric mean of the turnpoints.
  • SD_trackX the standard deviation of the final turnpoints of the adaptive track number X. If the procedure is geometric the geometric standard deviation is calculated, otherwise the arithmetic standard deviation is calculated.

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved)

Not currently implemented.

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved)

For each adaptive track, the transformed up-down and weighted up-down interleaved tabular session-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • threshold_arithmetic_trackX or threshold_geometric_trackX the arithmetic, or geometric average of the threshold estimates obtained in each block for the adaptive track number X
  • SE_trackX the arithmetic or geometric standard error of the threshold estimates obtained in each block for the track number X

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary file with a transformed up-down interleaved paradigm is shown below:

-212.00 -208.00 -212.00 -200.00 | -204.00 -200.00 -204.00 -202.00 -204.00 -202.00 -208.00 -206.00 -208.00 -202.00 -206.00 -202.00 -208.00 -206.00 -208.00 -204.00 -208.00 -204.00 -210.00 -206.00 -210.00 -204.00 -206.00 -204.00 |

turnpointMean = -205.25, s.d. =  2.69
B1 = 44, B2 = 47

-208.00 -200.00 -208.00 -204.00 | -214.00 -212.00 -228.00 -224.00 -226.00 -224.00 -232.00 -230.00 -232.00 -230.00 -238.00 -232.00 |

turnpointMean = -226.83, s.d. =  7.55
B1 = 29, B2 = 42

for each track, after the track label (“TRACK 1”, “TRACK 2”, etc…), the first line lists the turnpoints; the first | sign separates the initial turnpoints, which are not included in the threshold estimate, from the final turnpoints. The second line after the track label shows the threshold estimate (turnpointMean) which is obtained by averaging the final turnpoints, and the standard deviation of the turnpoints. The final line lists the number of times each button was pressed by the listener. The results above were collected using an arithmetic procedure. When the results are obtained with a geometric procedure the second line of the results section labels the threshold estimate as geometric turnpointMean, and the threshold and standard deviation values are computed as geometric mean, and geometric standard deviation, respectively.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved)

A snippet from the he results section of a plain-text trial-summary file for a transformed up-down interleaved paradigm is shown below:

-200.0; TRACK 1; 1;
-200.0; TRACK 2; 1;
-200.0; TRACK 1; 1;
-200.0; TRACK 2; 1;

for each trial, the first column shows the value of the adaptive difference (e.g. the level of the signal in a signal detection task), the second column shows the track number, and the third column indicates whether the response was correct (1), or incorrect (0)

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Transformed Up-Down and Weighted Up-Down Interleaved)

The results section of a plain-text session-summary file for a transformed up-down interleaved paradigm is shown below:


Mean = -216.79
SE = 11.54


Mean = -220.49
SE =  6.35

for each track, first a list of the threshold estimates obtained in each block is printed. Then the geometric or arithmetic (depending on the procedure) mean and standard deviation are shown.

UML and PSI Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (UML and PSI)

The UML and PSI tabular block-summary result files have three paradigm-specific columns:

  • threshold the estimate of the threshold, or the midpoint of the psychometric function
  • slope the estimate of the slope of the psychometric function
  • lapse the estimate of the lapse rate, which determines the upper asymptote of the psychometric function

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (UML and PSI)

The UML and PSI tabular block-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • adaptive_difference the value at each trial of the parameter that is adaptively varied to find the psychometric function
  • response the response of the listener, 1 if s/he chose the correct interval, 0 otherwise

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (UML and PSI)

Not currently implemented. Probably this will be never implemented because it makes more sense to obtain session estimates by fitting psychometric functions to the responses across all the session than to average the estimates from the tabular block-summary result files.

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (UML and PSI)

The results section of a UML procedure is shown below (the structure for the PSI procedure is the same):

Midpoint = 0.046
Slope = 1.299
Lapse = 0.061

B1 = 51, B2 = 49

the first line shows the estimated midpoint of the psychometric function (the threshold), the second line shows the estimated slope of the psychometric function, and the third line shows the estimated lapse rate which determines the upper asymptote of the psychometric function.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (UML and PSI)

The result section of the UML and PSI tabular trial-summary files has two paradigm-specific columns. The first column shows the value of the adaptive difference (the parameter that is adaptively varied to find the psychometric function) for each trial. The second column shows the response (1 for correct, 0 otherwise) given by the listener on each trial.

Plain-Text Session-Summary Result Files (UML and PSI)

Not currently implemented. Probably this will be never implemented because it makes more sense to obtain session estimates by fitting psychometric functions to the responses across all the session than to average the estimates from the plain-text block-summary result files.

PEST Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (PEST)

The PEST tabular block-summary result files have a single paradigm specific column:

  • threshold_arithmetic or threshold_geometric the threshold estimate. Whether the column is labelled “threshold_arithmetic”, or “threshold_geometric” depends on whether an arithmetic, or a geometric procedure was used to vary the adaptive difference (the variable that is being varied adaptively to find its threshold).

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (PEST)

Not currently implemented.

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (PEST)

The PEST tabular session-summary result files have two paradigm specific columns:

  • threshold_arithmetic or threshold_geometric the threshold estimated by averaging across trial blocks. Whether the column is labelled “threshold_arithmetic”, or “threshold_geometric” depends on whether an arithmetic, or a geometric procedure was used to vary the adaptive difference (the variable that is being varied adaptively to find its threshold). For “threshold_arithmetic” the threshold estimate is obtained by the arithmetic mean of the threshold estimates in each block. For “threshold_geometric” the threshold estimate is obtained by the geometric mean of the threshold estimates in each block.
  • SE the standard error of the mean threshold obtained by averaging across blocks. For “threshold_arithmetic” the standard error is obtained by the arithmetic standard error of the threshold estimates in each block. For “threshold_geometric” the standard error is obtained by the geometric standard error of the threshold estimates in each block.

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (PEST)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary result file obtained with the PEST paradigm is shown below:

Threshold =  0.62
B1 = 179, B2 = 160

the first line shows the threshold estimate. The second line shows how many times the listener pressed each button. This may be useful to detect any biases in the choice of interval.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (PEST)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file obtained with the PEST paradigm is shown below:

50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
50.0; 1;
45.0; 1;
40.0; 1;
30.0; 1;
30.0; 1;
30.0; 1;

the first column shows the value of the adaptive difference that was tested in each trial. The second column indicates whether the listener’s response was correct or not (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (PEST)

The result section of a plain-text session-summary result file obtained with the PEST paradigm is shown below:


Mean =  0.00
SE =  0.62

the section starts with a listing of the threshold estimates obtained in each block. After this listing the mean and standard error (arithmetic, or geometric, depending on the procedure used) of these threshold estimates are shown.

Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The constant m-intervals n-alternatives tabular block-summary result files have four paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime the d’ value
  • perc_corr the percentage of correct response
  • n_corr the number of correct responses
  • n_trials the total number of trials

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

Not currently available

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The constant m-intervals n-alternatives tabular session-summary result files have four paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime the d’ value
  • perc_corr the percentage of correct response
  • n_corr the number of correct responses
  • n_trials the total number of trials

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary result file obtained with a constant m-intervals n-alternatives procedure is shown below:

No. Correct = 37
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct =  0.74
d-prime = 0.910

the first row shows the number of correct responses, the second row shows the total number of trials, the third row shows the percentage of correct responses, while the last row shows the d’ value.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file obtained with a constant m-intervals n-alternatives procedure is shown below:


the first and only column shows the response of the listenr (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Constant m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

d-prime Block 1 = 0.910
d-prime Block 2 = 0.742

No. Correct = 72
No. Total = 100
Percent Correct = 72.00
d-prime = 0.824

Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The multiple constants m-intervals n-alternatives tabular block-summary result files have four paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime_subcX the d’ value for sub-condition X
  • perc_corr_subcX the percentage of correct response for sub-condition X
  • n_corr_subcX the number of correct responses for sub-condition X
  • n_trials_subcX the total number of trials for sub-condition X

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

Not currently implemented.

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The multiple constants m-intervals n-alternatives tabular session-summary result files have the following paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime_ALL the d’ value across sub-conditions
  • perc_corr_ALL the percentage of correct response across sub-conditions
  • n_corr_ALL the number of correct responses across sub-conditions
  • n_trials_ALL the total number of trials across sub-conditions

then for each sub-condition:

  • dprime_subcX the d’ value for sub-condition X
  • perc_corr_subcX the percentage of correct response for sub-condition X
  • n_corr_subcX the number of correct responses for sub-condition X
  • n_trials_subcX the total number of trials for sub-condition X

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary result file obtained with a multiple constants m-intervals n-alternatives procedure is shown below:

CONDITION, 1; 1000.0
No. Correct = 17
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 68.00
d-prime = 0.661

CONDITION, 2; 2000.0
No. Correct = 19
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 76.00
d-prime = 0.999

No. Correct = 36
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct = 72.00
d-prime = 0.824

first, for each condition, after a line with the sub-condition number and condition label, the number of correct responses, the number of total trials, the percent of correct responses, and d’ are show in successive lines. Then the same information is shown for the data pooled across sub-conditions.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file obtained with a multiple constants m-intervals n-alternatives procedure is shown below:

1000.0; 1;
1000.0; 1;
2000.0; 1;
1000.0; 0;
1000.0; 1;
2000.0; 1;

the first column shows the sub-condition label for each trial, the second column shows the response of the listener (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Multiple Constants m-Intervals n-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text session-summary result file obtained with a multiple constants m-intervals n-alternatives procedure is shown below:

CONDITION 1; 1000.0
Percent Correct Block 1 = 68.00
Percent Correct Block 2 = 64.00

No. Correct = 33
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct = 66.00
d-prime = 0.583

CONDITION 2; 2000.0
Percent Correct Block 1 = 76.00
Percent Correct Block 2 = 72.00

No. Correct = 37
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct = 74.00
d-prime = 0.910

Percent Correct Block 1 = 72.00
Percent Correct Block 2 = 68.00

No. Correct = 70
No. Total = 100
Percent Correct = 70.00
d-prime = 0.742

first, for each condition, a line with the sub-condition number and sub-condition label is shown, followed by a list of the percentage of correct responses for that condition in each block. After these lines the number of correct responses, the number of total trials, the percentage of correct responses, and d’ are show in successive lines.

After these summaries for each sub-condition, the same summaries are shown for the data pooled across sub-conditions (“CONDITION ALL”).

Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The constant 1-interval 2-alternatives tabular block-summary result files have six paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime the d’ value
  • nTotal the total number of trials
  • nCorrectA the number of correct responses for A (signal present) trials
  • nTotalA the total number of A (signal present) trials
  • nCorrectB the number of correct responses for B (signal absent) trials
  • nTotalB the total number of B (signal absent) trials

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

Not currently implemented.

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The constant 1-interval 2-alternatives tabular session-summary result files have six paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime the d’ value
  • nTotal the total number of trials
  • nCorrectA the number of correct responses for A (signal present) trials
  • nTotalA the total number of A (signal present) trials
  • nCorrectB the number of correct responses for B (signal absent) trials
  • nTotalB the total number of B (signal absent) trials

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary result file obtained with a constant 1-interval 2-alternatives procedure is shown below:

No. Correct = 16
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 64.00
d-prime = 0.785

No. Correct Condition Yes = 8
No. Total Condition Yes = 11
Percent Correct Condition Yes = 72.73
No. Correct Condition No = 8
No. Total Condition No = 14
Percent Correct Condition No = 57.14

the first part shows the number of correct responses, number of total trials, the percentage of correct responses, and the d’ value. The second part shows the number of correct responses, the number of total trials, and the percentage of correct responses separately for signal present (in this case “Yes”), and signal absent (in this case “No”) trials. Please, note that “Yes”, and “No” are the names of the condition of the experiment that was ran. In other experiments the names of the conditions will differ.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file obtained with a constant 1-interval 2-alternatives procedure is shown below:

Yes; 1;
Yes; 1;
Yes; 0;
Yes; 1;
Yes; 1;
No; 0;
No; 0;
No; 0;
No; 0;
No; 1;

the first column shows the name of the condition (in this case “Yes” for signal present, and “No” for signal absent). The second column indicates whether the response of the listener was correct or not (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Constant 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text session-summary result file obtained with a constant 1-interval 2-alternatives procedure is shown below:

d-prime Block 1 = 0.785
d-prime Block 2 = 0.097

No. Correct = 29
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct = 58.00
d-prime = 0.416

No. Correct A = 14
No. Total A = 23
Percent Correct A = 60.87
No. Correct B = 15
No. Total B = 27
Percent Correct B = 55.56

the section starts with a list of the d’ values obtained on each block of trials. The second paragraph shows the number of correct responses, the total number of trials, the percentage of correct responses, and the d’ value. The last paragraph shows the number of correct responses, the total number of trials, and the percentage of correct responses separately for “A” (signal present), and “B” (signal absent) trials.

Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The multiple constants 1-interval 2-alternatives tabular block-summary result files have the following paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime_ALL the d’ value across all sub-conditions
  • nTotal_ALL the total number of trials across all sub-conditions
  • nCorrectA_ALL the number of correct responses for A (signal present) trials across all sub-conditions
  • nTotalA_ALL the total number of A (signal present) trials across all sub-conditions
  • nCorrectB_ALL the number of correct responses for B (signal absent) trials across all sub-conditions
  • nTotalB_ALL the total number of B (signal absent) trials across all sub-conditions

then for each sub-condition:

  • dprime_subcX the d’ value for sub-condition X
  • nTotal_subcX the total number of trials for sub-condition X
  • nCorrectA_subcX the number of correct responses for A (signal present) trials for sub-condition X
  • nTotalA_subcX the total number of A (signal present) trials for sub-condition X
  • nCorrectB_subcX the number of correct responses for B (signal absent) trials for sub-condition X
  • nTotalB_subcX the total number of B (signal absent) trials for sub-condition X

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

Not currently implemented.

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The multiple constants 1-interval 2-alternatives tabular session-summary result files have the following paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime_ALL the d’ value across all sub-conditions
  • nTotal_ALL the total number of trials across all sub-conditions
  • nCorrectA_ALL the number of correct responses for A (signal present) trials across all sub-conditions
  • nTotalA_ALL the total number of A (signal present) trials across all sub-conditions
  • nCorrectB_ALL the number of correct responses for B (signal absent) trials across all sub-conditions
  • nTotalB_ALL the total number of B (signal absent) trials across all sub-conditions

then for each sub-condition:

  • dprime_subcX the d’ value for sub-condition X
  • nTotal_subcX the total number of trials for sub-condition X
  • nCorrectA_subcX the number of correct responses for A (signal present) trials for sub-condition X
  • nTotalA_subcX the total number of A (signal present) trials for sub-condition X
  • nCorrectB_subcX the number of correct responses for B (signal absent) trials for sub-condition X
  • nTotalB_subcX the total number of B (signal absent) trials for sub-condition X

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary result file obtained with a multiple constants 1-interval 2-alternatives procedure is shown below:

CONDITION: 1; Center Frequency, 1000.0
No. Correct = 22
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 88.00
d-prime = 2.480

No. Correct Subcondition present = 13
No. Total Subcondition present = 16
Percent Correct Subcondition present = 81.25
No. Correct Subcondition absent = 9
No. Total Subcondition absent = 9
Percent Correct Subcondition absent = 100.00

CONDITION: 2; Center Frequency, 1001.0
No. Correct = 20
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 80.00
d-prime = 1.695

No. Correct Subcondition present = 9
No. Total Subcondition present = 12
Percent Correct Subcondition present = 75.00
No. Correct Subcondition absent = 11
No. Total Subcondition absent = 13
Percent Correct Subcondition absent = 84.62

No. Correct = 42
No Total = 50
Percent Correct = 84.00
d-prime = 2.127

No. Correct Subcondition present = 22
No. Total Subcondition present = 28
Percent Correct Subcondition present = 78.57
No. Correct Subcondition absent = 20
No. Total Subcondition absent = 22
Percent Correct Subcondition absent = 90.91

there are three parts, one containing summaries for each sub-condition, and one containing summaries for the data pooled across all sub-conditions (“CONDITION: ALL”). The parts containing summaries for each sub-condition start with the sub-condition number, and sub-condition label (this will vary from experiment to experiment). Following this, the total number of correct responses, the total number of trials, the percentage of correct responses, and the d’ value for the subcondition are shown. Then the number of correct responses, the number of total responses, and the percentage of correct responses are shown for each sub-sub-condition within a sub-condition. This same information is then shown for the data pooled across all sub-condition.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file obtained with a multiple constants 1-interval 2-alternatives procedure is shown below:

Center Frequency, 1001.0; present; 0;
Center Frequency, 1000.0; absent; 1;
Center Frequency, 1001.0; absent; 1;
Center Frequency, 1000.0; present; 1;

the first column shows the subcondition label. The second column shows the sub-sub-condition label (trial type). The third column indicates whether the listener’s response was correct or not (1 for a correct response, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Multiple Constants 1-Intervals 2-Alternatives)

The result section of a plain-text session-summary result file obtained with a multiple constants 1-interval 2-alternatives procedure is shown below:

CONDITION: 1; Center Frequency, 1000.0
d-prime Block 1 = 2.480
d-prime Block 2 = 2.108

No. Correct = 43
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct = 86.00
d-prime = 2.480

No. Correct A = 26
No. Total A = 32
Percent Correct A = 81.25
No. Correct B = 17
No. Total B = 18
Percent Correct B = 94.44

CONDITION: 2; Center Frequency, 1001.0
d-prime Block 1 = 1.695
d-prime Block 2 = 1.177

No. Correct = 38
No. Total = 50
Percent Correct = 76.00
d-prime = 1.411

No. Correct A = 18
No. Total A = 24
Percent Correct A = 75.00
No. Correct B = 20
No. Total B = 26
Percent Correct B = 76.92

d-prime Block 1 = 2.127
d-prime Block 2 = 1.539

No. Correct = 81
No. Total = 100
Percent Correct = 81.00
d-prime = 1.790

No. Correct A = 44
No. Total A = 56
Percent Correct A = 78.57
No. Correct B = 37
No. Total B = 44
Percent Correct B = 84.09

there are three parts, one containing summaries for each sub-condition, and one containing summaries for the data pooled across all sub-conditions. The parts containing summaries for each sub-condition start with a line showing the sub-condition number, and sub-condition label (this will vary from experiment to experiment). Following this there is a listing of d’ values obtain in each block for that subcondition. The next lines show the total number of correct responses, the total number of trials, the percentage of correct responses, and the d’ value for the given sub-condition. Then, the number of correct responses, the number of trials, and the percentage of correct responses are shown for each trial type (“A” for signal present, “B” for signal absent) within a sub-condition. This same information is then shown for the data pooled across all sub-condition.

Constant 1-Pair Same/Different Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Pair Same/Different)

The constant 1-pair same/different tabular block-summary result files have seven paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime_IO the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy
  • dprime_diff the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy
  • nTotal the total number of trials
  • nCorrect_same the number of correct response for “same” trials
  • nTotal_same the total number of “same” trials
  • nCorrect_different the number of correct response for “different” trials
  • nTotal_different the total number of “different” trials

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Pair Same/Different)

The constant 1-pair same/different tabular session-summary result files have seven paradigm-specific columns:

  • dprime_IO the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy
  • dprime_diff the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy
  • nTotal the total number of trials
  • nCorrect_same the number of correct response for “same” trials
  • nTotal_same the total number of “same” trials
  • nCorrect_different the number of correct response for “different” trials
  • nTotal_different the total number of “different” trials

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Pair Same/Different)

The results section for a constant 1-pair same/different is shown below:

No. Correct = 7
No. Total = 10
Percent Correct = 70.00
d-prime IO = 1.860
d-prime diff = 2.223

No. Correct Condition same = 4
No. Total Condition same = 6
Percent Correct Condition same= 66.67
No. Correct Condition different = 3
No. Total Condition different = 4
Percent Correct Condition different= 75.00

the first line shows the total number of correct responses. The second line shows the total number of trials. The third line shows the percentage of correct responses. The fourth line shows the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy. The fifth line shows the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy. The following lines show the number of correct responses, the total number of trials, and the percentage of correct responses, separately for “same”, and “different” trials.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Constant 1-Pair Same/Different)

A snippet from the result section of a 1-pair same/different file is shown below:

same; 0;
same; 0;
different; 0;
same; 1;
different; 1;

the first column indicates whether the trial was a “same”, or “different” trial. The second column shows the response (1 for correct, 0 otherwise) given by the listener on each trial.

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Constant 1-Pair Same/Different)

The result section for a 1-pair same/different paradigm session is shown below:

d-prime IO Block 1 = 2.430
d-prime diff Block 1 = 2.923
d-prime IO Block 2 = 1.955
d-prime diff Block 2 = 2.406

No. Correct = 46
No. Total = 60
Percent Correct = 76.67
d-prime IO = 2.250
d-prime diff = 2.726

No. Correct A = 24
No. Total A = 33
Percent Correct A = 72.73
No. Correct B = 22
No. Total B = 27
Percent Correct B = 81.48

the first paragraph is a listing of the d’ values calculated according to the independent observations and differencing strategy for each block of trials in the session. The secon paragraph lists the number of correct responses, total number of trials, percent correct, and d’ values (for both independent observation and differencing strategy) across all the blocks of trials in the session. The last paragraph shows summary statistics for “same”, and “different” trials separately (“A” refers to “same” trials, and “B” refers to “different” trials.

Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different)

The multiple constants 1-pair same/different tabular block-summary result files have seven paradigm-specific columns for each pair of stimuli that are tested:

  • dprime_IO_pairX the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy for the stimulus pair number X
  • dprime_diff_pairX the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy for the stimulus pair number X
  • nTotal_pairX the total number of trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nCorrect_same_pairX the number of correct response for “same” trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nTotal_same_pairX the total number of “same” trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nCorrect_different_pairX the number of correct response for “different” trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nTotal_different_pairX the total number of “different” trials for the stimulus pair number X

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different)

The multiple constants 1-pair same/different tabular trial-summary result files have six paradigm-specific columns:

  • pair the stimulus pair tested in the given trial
  • stim1 the label of the stimulus that was presented in the first interval
  • stim2 the label of the stimulus that was presented in the second
  • case whether the trial was a “same” or a “different” trial
  • response 1 for a correct response, 0 otherwise

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different)

The multiple constants 1-pair same/different tabular session-summary result files have seven paradigm-specific columns for each pair of stimuli that are tested:

  • dprime_IO_pairX the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy for the stimulus pair number X
  • dprime_diff_pairX the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy for the stimulus pair number X
  • nTotal_pairX the total number of trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nCorrect_same_pairX the number of correct response for “same” trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nTotal_same_pairX the total number of “same” trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nCorrect_different_pairX the number of correct response for “different” trials for the stimulus pair number X
  • nTotal_different_pairX the total number of “different” trials for the stimulus pair number X

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary file obtained with the multiple constants 1-pair same/different paradigm is shown below:

No. Correct = 21
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 84.00
d-prime IO = 2.698
d-prime diff = 3.397

No. Correct Condition same = 12
No. Total Condition same = 14
Percent Correct Condition same = 85.71
No. Correct Condition different = 9
No. Total Condition different = 11
Percent Correct Condition different = 81.82

No. Correct = 19
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 76.00
d-prime IO = 2.216
d-prime diff = 2.756

No. Correct Condition same = 8
No. Total Condition same = 10
Percent Correct Condition same = 80.00
No. Correct Condition different = 11
No. Total Condition different = 15
Percent Correct Condition different = 73.33

the result section is composed of two parts for each pair of stimuli tested. The first part lists first the pair number, and then gives summary statistics for that pair (number of correct responses, total number of trials, percent correct, d’ for the independent observations strategy, d’ for the differencing strategy). The second part gives summary statistics separately for “same” and “different” trials.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file for the multiple constants 1-pair same/different paradigm is shown below:

Pair2_WAV2-WAV1_different; 0;
Pair1_WAV2-WAV1_different; 1;
Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_different; 1;
Pair1_WAV2-WAV2_same; 0;
Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_different; 1;
Pair2_WAV2-WAV1_different; 1;
Pair1_WAV2-WAV2_same; 1;

the first column tells the stimulus pair that was tested in each trial, as well as the sequence of stimuli that was played, and whether the trial was a “same”, or a “different” trial. The second column shows the response (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Multiple Constants 1-Pair Same-Different)

Not currently implemented.

Multiple Constants ABX Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants ABX)

The multiple constants ABX tabular block-summary result files have seven paradigm-specific columns for each pair of stimuli that are tested:

  • dprime_IO_pairZ the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy for the stimulus pair number Z
  • dprime_diff_pairZ the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nTotal_pairZ the total number of trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nCorrect_A_pairZ the number of correct response for “A” trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nTotal_A_pairZ the total number of “A” trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nCorrect_B_pairZ the number of correct response for “B” trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nTotal_B_pairZ the total number of “B” trials for the stimulus pair number Z

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants ABX)

The multiple constants ABX tabular trial-summary result files have six paradigm-specific columns:

  • pair the stimulus pair tested in the given trial
  • A the label of the stimulus that was presented in interval A
  • B the label of the stimulus that was presented in interval B
  • X the label of the stimulus that was presented in interval X
  • case whether the X stimulus is the same as the one presented in interval A or B
  • response 1 for a correct response, 0 otherwise

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants ABX)

The multiple constants ABX tabular session-summary result files have seven paradigm-specific columns for each pair of stimuli that are tested:

  • dprime_IO_pairZ the estimated d’ for a listener using the independent observations strategy for the stimulus pair number Z
  • dprime_diff_pairZ the estimated d’ for a listener using the differencing strategy for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nTotal_pairZ the total number of trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nCorrect_A_pairZ the number of correct response for “A” trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nTotal_A_pairZ the total number of “A” trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nCorrect_B_pairZ the number of correct response for “B” trials for the stimulus pair number Z
  • nTotal_B_pairZ the total number of “B” trials for the stimulus pair number Z

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants ABX)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary file for the multiple constants ABX paradigm is shown below:

No. Correct = 17
No. Total = 25
Percent Correct = 68.00
d-prime IO = 1.313
d-prime diff = 1.468

No. Correct Condition A = 12
No. Total Condition A = 16
Percent Correct Condition A = 75.00
No. Correct Condition B = 5
No. Total Condition B = 9
Percent Correct Condition B = 55.56

the result section is composed of two parts for each pair of stimuli tested. The first part lists first the pair number, and then gives summary statistics for that pair (number of correct responses, total number of trials, percent correct, d’ for the independent observations strategy, d’ for the differencing strategy). The second part gives summary statistics separately for trials in which stimulus X was presented in interval A and for trials in which it was presented in interval B.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants ABX)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file for the multiple constants ABX paradigm is shown below:

Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_WAV1_A; 1;
Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_WAV1_A; 0;
Pair2_WAV2-WAV1_WAV2_A; 1;
Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_WAV2_B; 0;
Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_WAV2_B; 1;
Pair1_WAV2-WAV1_WAV2_A; 1;
Pair2_WAV1-WAV2_WAV2_B; 1;

the first column tells the stimulus pair that was tested in each trial, as well as the sequence of stimuli that was played, and whether stimulus X was presented in interval A or in interval B. The second column shows the response (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Multiple Constants ABX)

Not currently implemented.

Multiple Constants Odd One Out Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Odd One Out)

The multiple constants odd one out tabular block-summary result files have five paradigm-specific columns for each subcondition tested:

  • nCorr_subcndX the number of correct response in subcondition X
  • nTrials_subcndX the number of trials in subcondition X
  • percCorr_subcndX the percentage of correct responses in subcondition X
  • dprime_IO_subcndX the estimated d’ in subcondition X for a listener using the independent observations strategy
  • dprime_diff_subcndX the estimated d’ in subcondition X for a listener using the differencing strategy

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Odd One Out)

The multiple constants odd one out tabular trial-summary result files have two paradigm-specific columns:

  • subcondition the subcondition tested in each trial
  • response 1 for a correct response, 0 otherwise

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Odd One Out)

The multiple constants odd one out tabular session-summary result files have five paradigm-specific columns for each subcondition tested:

  • nCorr_subcndX the number of correct response in subcondition X
  • nTrials_subcndX the number of trials in subcondition X
  • percCorr_subcndX the percentage of correct responses in subcondition X
  • dprime_IO_subcndX the estimated d’ in subcondition X for a listener using the independent observations strategy
  • dprime_diff_subcndX the estimated d’ in subcondition X for a listener using the differencing strategy

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Odd One Out)

The result section of a plain-text block-summary file for the multiple constants odd one out paradigm is shown below:

Condition Comparison1

No. Correct = 9
No. Trials = 10
Percent Correct = 90.000
d-prime IO = 3.324
d-prime diff = 4.028

Condition Comparison2

No. Correct = 7
No. Trials = 10
Percent Correct = 70.000
d-prime IO = 2.101
d-prime diff = 2.504

B1 = 7, B2 = 7, B3 = 6

for each subcondition, after the subcondition label, the following values are listed on successive lines: the number of correct trials, the number of trials, the percentage of correct responses, the d’ value for a listener using the independent observations strategy, and the d’ value for a listener using the differencing strategy.

The final line shows the number of times each button was pressed by the listener.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Odd One Out)

A snippet from a plain-text trial-summary result file for the multiple constants odd one out paradigm is shown below:

Comparison2; 0;
Comparison2; 1;
Comparison1; 1;
Comparison1; 1;
Comparison1; 1;
Comparison1; 0;

the first column shows the label of the subcondition tested on each trial, the second column shows the response (1 for correct, 0 otherwise).

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Multiple Constants Odd One Out)

Not currently implemented.

Multiple Constants Sound Comparison Result Files

Tabular Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Sound Comparison)

The multiple constants odd one out tabular block-summary result files have the following paradigm-specific columns:

  • nTrials the total number of trials per subcondition

then, for each condition:

  • stim1_count_subcndX the number of times stimulus 1 was chosen as the odd one in subcondition X
  • stim1_percent_subcndX the percent of times stimulus 1 was chosen as the odd one in subcondition X
  • stim2_count_subcndX the number of times stimulus 3 was chosen as the odd one in subcondition X
  • stim2_percent_subcndX the percent of times stimulus 2 was chosen as the odd one in subcondition X
  • stim3_count_subcndX the number of times stimulus 3 was chosen as the odd one in subcondition X
  • stim3_percent_subcndX the percent of times stimulus 3 was chosen as the odd one in subcondition X

Tabular Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Sound Comparison)

Not currently implemented.

Tabular Session-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Sound Comparison)

Not currently implemented.

Plain-Text Block-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Sound Comparison)

The result section of an odd-one-out plain-text block-summary result file is shown below:

Condition Comparison1
Stimulus 1 = 8/25; Percent = 32.00
Stimulus 2 = 7/25; Percent = 28.00
Stimulus 3 = 10/25; Percent = 40.00

Condition Comparison2
Stimulus 1 = 10/25; Percent = 40.00
Stimulus 2 = 6/25; Percent = 24.00
Stimulus 3 = 9/25; Percent = 36.00

B1 = 5, B2 = 40, B3 = 5

for each condition tested in a block of trials the result section lists the name of the condition, and for each stimulus, the number of times it was chosen as the odd one out of the total number of trials, and the percentage of times it was chosen as the odd one.

The last line in the code snippet above shows the number of times each button was pressed.

Plain-Text Trial-Summary Result Files (Multiple Constants Sound Comparison)

A snippet from the result section of an odd-one-out plain-text trial-summary result file is shown below:

Comparison2; 1;
Comparison1; 2;
Comparison1; 3;

the first column shows the condition tested on each trial. The second column shows the alternative chosen.

Plain-Text Session-Summary Files (Multiple Constants Sound Comparison)

Not currently implemented.

Log Results Files

pychoacoustics automatically saves backup copies of the “block summary” and “trial-summary” files in a backup folder. On Linux systems this folder is located in


on Windows systems it is located in


where username is your account login name. A separate file is saved for each block of trials that is run. These files are named according to the date and time at which the blocks were started (the naming follows the YY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS scheme). Unlike other results files, that are written only once a block of trials has been completed, these log results files get written as soon as information is available (e.g., a new line in the “trial-summary” results file is written at the end of each trial).